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"Are you okay, Chief?" Keira asked him when he entered the hall, terribly pissed.

"I no longer want to follow his orders! Hell, I wish Lucifer dies!" he said full of anger. He even throw an energy ball on an empty space just to release his fury.

"What did the Lordship do that made you this mad?" Keira asked.

"Everything he does makes me mad! If only I could kill him!"

If it wasn't for the pact they made with Lucifer, he could easily snap his fingers and kill him. But his powers won't work on the devil himself. He made sure that the leaders of all domain in hell won't betray him.

"Stupid fucking pact!" he murmured and threw another energy ball.

"There are ways to kill the Lordship without using your powers, Chief," Keira told him and he couldn't help but hissed.

"Tell me, and I'll do it!"

Even though Raguel has a right hand, and he trust his life with Zanilla, Keira is the only demon he trust when it comes to his personal feelings. Keira, the demon seer, is the only one who sees him battle his own demons.

"An heir..." Keira said grinning.

"We're not allowed to sire an heir," he said to her but Keira grinned even more.


"Because Lucifer say so. And what would my heir could do to Lucifer?" he asked, confused.

"Chief, you know I was one of the first seer in heaven, right?" she said that made him curious.

Keira was an Angel seer. But when angels fall, including him, Keira fall, too, even though she's done nothing. She just enjoyed the bandwagon.

"Stop with the mysteries, Keira. Just tell me," he said impatient.

"Ever heard of Nephilims?"

"Yes. An offspring of an Angel and a human. So?"

"They were an abomination that's why Angels killed them even before they were born..."

"I know. I was once tasked to killed a woman because she's carrying a Nephilim."

"But how about a demon sires an heir on human, ever heard of it?" Keira said that caught his attention.

"Keira, we're Incubus. My kind lies upon sleeping women and sometimes impregnating them..." he said rolling his eyes on her.

"Yes, but no one is ever born, right?"

"No one is ever born alive because their mother dies before they could survive..."

"Wrong. Because Lucifer orders to kill them!"

"WHAT?" he yelled that almost quake the entire hall. "And I am hearing this just now?" he said with rage.

"Because Lucifer is threatened. If Nephilim is an abomination to heaven, a Cambion is an abomination to hell."

He stared at her, probably Keira has already read his mind.

"Find a woman to carry your heir. Someone who is pure soul..."

"Pure soul," he repeated, grinning. Suddenly, Raguel was filled with excitement.

"Where do you want to find a woman?" Keira asked.

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