𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 - 1

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'Keep it in the closet.'

"She's pretty but, she's not what I'm looking for."

"What about Lisa Bonet?" Frank asked handing Michael the magazine with the model on the front.

"Beautiful, but she won't fit the aesthetic of the video," Michael put the magazine back on the table.

"Hey what about her," he gazed at the magazine, "Whitney Houston, the phenomenal woman," he read aloud.

"That's it. She's who we need. Get in touch with whoever to get her. She's the one." He looked over the magazine again. He was pleased by her beautifully curled hair and her simple pants suit, her look was classy but sexy. He especially loved the curve of her thin frame.

"Yeah this is it," he whispered to hisself.

"I'll see what I can do."

"No, Frank get her management or whoever on the phone right now. I'm having her in the video."

Frank nodded and left the studio to make a few calls. Michael sat back, pondering would she even want to do it. He sighed heavily hoping she would.

A few minutes later Frank came back in the room, "She said she'd do it. I told her shooting starts tomorrow."

"You got her that fast?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. Her management connected me straight to her."

"Perfect, we have our leading lady. See you tomorrow."

"Frank is she here yet?"

"She's waiting for you."

"She's here already? You guys should've got me the moment she arrived. Is she on set?"

Frank nodded and Michael left his trailer to greet her. He stopped mid-walk seeing her wandering on the set. He admired her curly hair and her long legs.   

"Hi Ms. Houston," he greeted her, "I'm glad you agreed to be my leading lady in my short film."

"No problem but you can call me Whitney. And I'm glad to be working with you.", she smiled.

"I just knew you'd be perfect for the video after Frank showed me your phenomenal woman campaign for Vogue. I found it absolutely amazing."

"Thank you so much," she smiled.

"Have you heard the song yet?"

She shook her head.

"I'll play a snippet." He walked over to a stereo and pressed the play. The music blared loudly as Michael bit his lip snapping to the music, "Do you like it?"

"The lyrics are... sexy," she smiled.

"Are they too much?" he expressed, slightly worried.

"No... no I like it. I really do."

"Okay good," he laughed he pressed a button turning the stereo off again, "So for the video, you know a sexy video for a sexy song. You'll you know have some shots by yourself, just posing and stuff and you know...us.... together."

"I think I might know what you what," she giggled.

"Alright people are we ready to start filming?" Herb asked interrupting the two's conversation. The two looked at each other and nodded, "Alright Whitney you're going to have your individual close ups first." She nodded and got behind the camera.

"All right. One. Two. Three. Action!"

He watched wide eyed as she posed sensually slightly moving along to the song. He watch as she ran her hands up her legs slowly posing her eyes holding a sexy darkness to them. He watched her drooling over her natural sexiness.

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