Jiren easily shook the saiyan prince off. As Vegeta was getting back up Jiren wrapped his energy around his fist and punched him sending Vegeta flying off the arena. Somehow as he was falling his boot got caught on a piece of floating rubble. Vegeta closed his eyes, exhausted.

"Does that count as a dropout?" Belmod asked.

"No, since he is still touching a piece of the fighting stage he is safe." The Grand Priest said.

'Vegeta!' Bulma's voice rang through his head. 'Vegeta get up! We are counting on you!'

"Just let me sleep a little more." Vegeta said softly.

This time it wasn't Bulma's voice who got his attention but Mae's. "Vegeta get up damn it!" She yelled as she forced herself to get up. She was on her hands and knees begging him to get up.

"Fine," Vegeta smirked as he climbed back up.

"The fight is over yet you continue. What drives you to keep going?" Jiren asked him.

"Who knows?" Vegeta shrugged, his eyes slid to where Mae was. "Even if I told you, I doubt an emotionless bastard like you would understand what it means to protect something."

Jiren narrowed his eyes at Vegeta before glancing at Mae. She was still struggling but something was pushing her to get up. Vegeta went in for another attack and Jiren brought up his arm to block it. "Pointless." He said as Vegeta jumped back.

"Final Flash!" Vegeta said putting his energy into the last attack he could do. It was a direct hit and as the smoke cleared Jiren stood unscathed. He ran forward and punched at Jiren who grabbed his fist.

"I acknowledge your pride but it's over." Jiren said as he punched Vegeta back off of the arena.

'I'm a damned fool. I couldn't even keep my promise.' He thought as he fell. With two hands he brought out the rest of his energy and sent one call to Mae and the other to Goku. "Mae, Kakarot I leave the rest to you." With that the saiyan prince fell and landed in the stands.

The energy surrounded Mae and Goku and they both suddenly regained a bit of stamina. "I'll fight." Mae said stepping in front. "You need to regain more stamina."

"We fight together." Goku said stepping up next to her as they both powered up to super saiyan blue.

"Vegeta," Krillin said. "You are in the stands. Here's a senzu bean."

Vegeta ate the bean and instantly felt better. He looked over and saw that Frieza was still unconscious. "That bastard is still sleeping."

"Vegeta you did well." Beerus smiled at him.

"Why do they put their faith in you two." Jiren asked. "You are too weak to do anything. Trust gains nothing."

"You're right I am weak, at least compared to you." Mae said as she walked forward. "But that doesn't mean I shouldn't fight. You may think I'm weak but I will show you and everyone my strength. All my life I've worked hard to grow stronger. So I want you to see me Jiren, see my weakness but also see my strength."

"You think trust is pointless." Goku said as he moved with Mae.

Jiren said nothing as they came forward and attacked him. Jiren blocked both of their attacks and they jumped back and sent energy blasts. Jiren ran to grab Goku who dodged using his instant transmission, appearing behind him. Jiren brought his elbow up straight into Goku's stomach. With his other hand he punched Mae hard sending them both crashing into the wall behind them. Both dropped their forms. The energy Vegeta gave them had finally ran out.

"We have to believe in them." Krillin said.

"Mae please get up!" Gohan yelled.

Mae laid against the wall breathing heavy. "I'm sorry, Gohan."

Goku stood up, "Everyone is counting on me. I can't lose."

"You both are at your limit." Jiren said as Goku came forward. Jiren stepped out of his way and then proceeded to start punching Goku pushing him to the edge. "Once you fall then she will too."

Goku continued to take the blows until he was at the very edge. "Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled at him.

'Goku!' Krillin's voice ran through his head along with everyone else. 'Dad don't give up!' He heard Gohan as well.

"Fight back you useless father!" Mae snapped at him.

As Jiren made the final attack suddenly Goku moved and was behind him. "What?!" Jiren asked in shock as he turned to face Goku. He then started sending more attacks and Goku dodged them all before punching Jiren hard in the stomach.

"That pose!" Gohan said as a silver glow surrounded Goku.

"He actually hit Jiren with a powerful punch!" Krillin said.

"This could be bad for universe eleven." Their Kai said nervously.

"How many times is Goku going to pass his limit?!" Belmod asked in shock.

"That guy." Beerus grinned.

"Kakarot did it again, Ultra Instinct." Vegeta said looking down.

"To be honest I never would have expected to see it here this close to the end!" Whis laughed.

Goku opened his eyes revealing their silver color. His aura shot out around him in a warm silver glow and Mae grinned. "That's better." She whispered.

Dragonball MaeWhere stories live. Discover now