Chapter One

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It had been months since Jeff and I had gotten into a relationship. We thought that the Boss would react negatively when he found out and possibly try to separate us but he didn't. Instead he simply told us to not get distracted on a mission and finish it in a timely fashion. That actually surprised me. It surprised all of us but I was happy it turned out that way. Perhaps Slendy was expecting this to happen at some point which would have explained his lack of surprise when we told him. Now that the anxiety of telling him was over with I just had to worry about my parents potentially finding out. They knew Jeff but as far as they were concerned, he was dead just like his parents and brother... As far as the world was concerned the whole family was dead. I wish I could take Jeff to my parents and tell them that he survived as they loved him but because of his appearance now we both knew it would be a bad idea. It killed me to have to keep such a secret from my family but I had no choice. I chose this life when I met Slenderman and agreed to be his proxy. No one but him and other proxies could know about my new life. Luckily for me I didn't have any friends in school or the neighbourhood so when I wasn't in school I could spend time with Jeff and our friends. It also was a relief to me that I didn't have to lie to people other than my parents about where I was going.

It was a Saturday morning so because of that my parents were sleeping in. Normally my mom was a morning person but she had stayed up later than normal the previous night and with nothing to do she decided to stay in bed. My dad was always so busy with his work and stayed up late so on Saturday mornings he would take the opportunity to sleep in. With them sound asleep I didn't have to worry about lying to their face about where I was going at eight in the morning. Sure they knew I had friends but they thought they were other kids from school but at this age, who would be leaving at eight in the morning to hang out with friends? They would be suspicious. Instead I left a note on the kitchen counter that I went to see a friend who said it was an emergency. Leaving a note was easier for me but I still didn't like lying.

I quietly left the house through the mudroom door and made my way up the street to the park. Normally it was a quiet area but unfortunately for me, as I approached I saw a bunch a figures roaming around and the sounds of voices. I grunted in annoyance when I got closer and saw a small group of teens littering and talking shit. It was a new school year which meant new students. These kids looked to be first years in high school. I hated dealing with stupid kids. I was nearly seventeen and anyone more than two years younger than me annoyed me. I sighed and walked in the park. This caught the attention of the kids and they tried talking to me. They wanted me to go over to them and do some drugs but that wasn't my style. I never thought of smoking or doing drugs. I was interested in drinking but I would never want to get wasted and Jeff would never allow that. I ignored these kids the best I could as I made my way to the forest but I didn't make it. Just before I reached the trees, one of the boys grabbed my arm and tugged me toward him.

"What do you want?" I snapped as I turned to face them.

"Hey now, don't be so rude." The person who grabbed me said. He had a smirk on his face and his friends circled around me. I had no clue what they were planning but it was clear they didn't want me to escape. I looked into their eyes and saw that their pupils were dilated so they must have been high on something already which would explain their aggressive behaviour.

"I don't have time to chat. I need to meet up with someone." I tried pulling my arm away but this kid was quite strong. He was tall for his age and with me being on the shorter end of the scale, he loomed over me. He was also much stronger than me even though he looked like w twig. It was unfair as he was born a male so with all that testosterone, even with him being on the cusp of puberty, he had a serious advantage over me. That and he had some kind of drug in his system.

"I think they can wait for a bit." He replied. I assumed he was the leader of the group as he was taller and did all the talking. "We can't just let a pretty thing like you go so easily."

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