Chapter Five

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Izzie pulled me along by my hand as we ran into our English class barely making it there on time. I sighed as we sank into our regular seats in the back. Professor Grainger gave us an annoyed look but the door opened taking her disapproving gaze off us. Bastian entered ignoring the professor's sudden attention as he walked to the back of the class taking the empty seat beside me. Everyone turned to stare at me and Izzie who sank down in her chair, opening her book and covering her face.

"Everyone, attention please," Professor Grainger said, narrowing her eyes obviously annoyed as I shifted in my chair. "The next book on the syllabus is The Crucible."

Bastian groaned his lips twitching when the students turned toward us again.  Even Bethany, who always tried to hide more than Izzie and I did, turned to stare.  I covered my face as the blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Sorry," he said, flashing his teeth. "I had something stuck in my throat."

Professor Grainger huffed, then returned to her lesson.  A moment passed when I felt Bastian's breath on my ear. "You can look," he whispered, causing goosebumps to break out on my arms. "No one is staring at you now."

"Can you make sure not to get everyone's attention again?" I asked, removing my hands to give him a sidelong glance.

He chuckled. "You really don't like attention, do you?" He raised a brow, amusement covering his face.

I shook my head. "Neither does she," I pointed at Izzie.

He leaned forward and gave Izzie his best smile. "Sorry."

To her credit, she nodded as he turned back to me. "Um...Jonathon told me what happened at the coffee shop," he whispered. "Are you two okay?"

I nodded trying to suppress a shiver as the crazy woman's face slid into my mind. "We're fine."

Bastian was quiet for a few moments. His brows furrowing, "Did he tell you I'm the one driving you home today?"

"Um...Izzie and I have to go to the library," I whispered, wincing when the students in front of us turned to narrow their eyes. "I can take the bus."

He shook his head. "It's okay," he whispered back, leaning closer to me, causing my heart to thrum in my chest. "I'll go to the library with you. I'll drive you both home."

I sighed not wanting to take advantage of him. "You don't have to."

"I know but I want to," he said, flashing his teeth. "You're not going to win this argument, Lanie. Just say okay."

"Okay," I said, frowning as I glanced at the students who were still glaring at us. "Just don't cause a scene there too."

"I'll try," he said, turning to face the professor who was pointing at the board.

Burned (Book1) The White Rose Vampire SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now