Chapter 2: Intrusion In The Mountains, Part 2

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(So, I hate cursing and I don't curse, but I also understand that the actual series tends to have a few curse words in it and it would take away their character if I took away some of the actual sayings that they say when I'm supposed to be mirroring the actual series, while adding in some unusual things that don't directly go with the storyline. So, I may be adding a few cursewords when it comes to them speaking or sayings that they use, but I'll be using *'s, to keep it a little more... Christian... LOL

Tyki's POV

The noah rushed to pale his skin, take off his cloak, and throw it over the boy, holding him and his unusual hair colour hidden as the three men, dressed in brown cloaks, peeked their heads in. Tyki smiled another false one and politely asked, rememberng as he did that his hair was still as mess, "Might I ask who you three are, since you've not only invaded our privacy, but interuppted such an... intimate... moment?"

As the finders looked with obvious confusion between the two, Allen fought violently to free himself from the cloak, which Tyki continued to pin him under, as he cursed the elder furiously, threatening to kill him as soon as he could escape. Tyki closed his eyes and covered his lips with his free hand's knuckle as he fought to keep his laughter at bay.

Once he heard the finders stiffen, he opened his eyes and lowered his hand, raising his guard and readying to fight. He looked at their suddenly fearful gazes and the obvious leader of the group's glare, before following their gazes down to the boy. As Allen continued to struggle, strands of white hair began to reveal themselves.

Tyki rubbed his temple, sighing deeply and facing forward as the finders took a step back, ready to run.

Tyki's POV

Moments later, the finders were all tied up on the ground and up against the wall. Tyki wiped his hands together - as though to wipe away the grime of his "labour" - and looked at his shortest companion, who's angrily raised, furrowed, and twitching eyebrows faced the ground as he held his hands on his hips, clearly irritated yet contemplating something... possibly how to sabotage the noah's plans. It seems like, at every turn, something is going wrong. Now, he looks like he's going to add another thing to that list. Why did the Earl want me to bring him...?

Frowning himself and putting his hands on his hips as a mirror to the boy's posture, he said arrogantly, "And that was your fault."

Allen looked at him with exasperation as he exaggerated a loud and obviously disagreeing "Huh?!"

Tyki argued seriously that the younger's white hair had been their undoing, while Allen deflected his jab by pointing out that the fire was what drew them to the cave in the first place. They went back and forth like that several times until the finders' leader finally spoke up. "Let the others go. I am in charge and they're pi*sing themselved just because they've been tied up. They're not threat to you."

Already upset at how things were going and now furious that the leader wasn't afraid of someone who could kill him with a flick of the wrist - these humans who had betrayed his Shounen - he turned a threatening glare to the finders and the other two scrunched down in fear, while the leader merely sweated.

He breathed out a frustrated sigh and pulled the ribbon Allen had given him off of his neck, using it to tie up his hair as he asked, "Before we can do anything, we need to know where you were headed and why you were headed there. You weren't looking for us, were you?" He glanced down at Allen and caught him staring from the corner of his eye, only looking away once caught.

"And, more importantly", the ex-exorcist frowned, looking down at the finders as he blushed. "Are there already exorcists on their way?"

"No", the leader frowned, bowing his head and sounding defeated, as though he expected for him and his men to die.

The boy turned on his heel and stood beside the taller of the two, not bothering to look up at Tyki's face as he said solemnly, "Leave them like this - it'll slow them and the others down while you do what you need to."

The noah opened his mouth and furrowed his eyebrows, ready to protest until Allen cut him off with a stern, "And no, Tyki Mikk, we will not kill them."

He pouted and turned to watch as the boy began to walk toward the door. He clenched his hands into tight fists, glaring at him as he growled, "You arrogant little..." You may have my respect, boy, but that doesn't mean you can boss me around. You are but a captive; you are not in charge here.

After a few steps, Allen turned around, either hearing the noah's grumbling or only realizing then that his taller companion wasn't following. The noah forced a flirtatious grin and said smuggly, "Oh? Are you helping me, boy? And what's more, you know me so well!"

The boy's face lit up like a fire and he ran out of the cave, stuttering, "Shutup, Tyki Mikk!"

As he exited the cave, Tyki cracked a wide, devious grin, turning back to the fearful finders and crouched down before them, stretching out a hand, phasing it through the leader's chest, and wrapping it around his heart, whispering as he did so, "Do you honestly think that I would listen to you, Shounen?"

His heart leaped with joy and his smile spread from ear to ear as the leader's eyes grew wider than before and he screamed in agony, his heart being crushed in the palm of Tyki's hand, along with his arrogance.

(Oooh, and sorry that this series so far has mostly been from Tyki's POV. It's just that this particular series of events is more about Tyki's feelings for Allen than Allen's feelings for Tyki, and things wouldn't make much sense from Allen's POV, so yeah. xD Next chapter will probs be from Allen's POV, though.)

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