depersonalization symptoms

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I've been doing a lot of research over these past 3 years I've been experiencing dp/dr, and I figured I could write about the symptoms and how to cope with them. I hope I can help some people.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

1: feeling disconnected from reality
-feeling like theres a pane of glass between you and reality
-feeling like you're viewing yourself from another universe/reality

This is felt because your mind is trying to protect you from experiencing a traumatic event, to take you away from these traumatic feelings you have. Normally felt because you have already felt something traumatic and your mind dosent wanna experience it again. Your mind is taking you away to somewhere safe because its scared.

2: viewing things seemingly differently, "visual disturbances"
-seemingly viewing things through some sort of filter
-seemingly seeing things in static, or having tunnel vision

This happens because your body is in a fight or flight response mode. The body will make your vision more sensitive to pick up moving things, or to see dangerous things easier, an evolutionary change coming from our ancestors.

3: fear of going crazy
-thinking your going insane

The fear of going insane is only happening because your brain and body are reacting to the intense feelings of distorted reality. You're not going crazy! It's just your body reacting to what's happening.

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