Sike Bitch! Part One

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Maybe he was expecting it, and maybe he wasn't.

Yes, barely even a year later, Eddie is back at square one.

But this time, he doesn't give a single fuck.

This time, Eddie has something worthwhile. He has something better than a shitty one-sided friendship. He has new friends. At first he couldn't believe it, but as soon as he got their numbers, he kind of sold his soul to them. Their names are Lucas and Dustin. And surprisingly, Eddie had gotten significantly closer to Will, who had always been around since he and Richie were dating. But Eddie never hated him though. He couldn't.

Before getting into the present, there are still some events that guided Eddie to where he is now.

•sometime in october 1990

The story had been left off at the very end of the summer, when Eddie had the guts to hang out with Richie to clear up this whole mess. They never hung out again after that. The new school year took off, and both boys, along with the rest of their group of friends, were busy with work. Looking back, it's a little hazy. The year started out fine. Eddie had English with Bill and Will, which he was thankful for, because he had no friends in any other class, yet.

Bill was back to complaining at every single fucking thing on the planet. Eddie might have felt bad for Bill, who was already sleep deprived, getting behind on work, and barely functioning in the class, but the second Bill started to treat the brown haired boy like shit for everything that happened over the summer, all sympathy for Bill went out the window. Eddie hung around Will more than Bill, since they sat near each other and also had study hall. Will was a good person. He was the same as Eddie, just wanted to finish high school and not die halfway through.

Bill's silent cold shoulder towards Eddie had ended pretty quickly though. But Eddie still wasn't 100% better with Bill. Oh well. As Eddie got closer with Will, he got farther away from Bill. He stopped caring about Bill's complaints and his constant blabbering about his band meet ups with Richie.

Then the not so unexpected thing happened.

Bill had gotten himself a girlfriend.

Audra, was her name.

Eddie had knew who she was before, but his only memory of her was one that deemed Eddie to believe she was the most annoying piece of shit on the planet. However, she came off as more courteous then Eddie remembered. Eddie had decided he was cool with Audra. But what does his opinion matter?

Audra hung around Bill all the time.

It was almost as if Audra was replacing everyone in Bill's life. Including Richie if he were here. Bill would leave Will and Eddie alone at lunch, and in the mornings just like last year, Eddie would show up to the lunch table to talk with Stan and Bill. But now, their table consisted of more people. At the table, Stan, Bill, Audra, and Patty, a perky girl that Stan knew, sat there. Eddie told himself it was okay. He didn't own the table or anything, Stan and Bill could invite whoever they wanted over.

And it was okay. Patty was nice, kind of annoying, but nice. Eventually, Bill and Audra began to leave the table after 20 minutes to do god knows what in the library. Then it would be just Eddie, Stan, and Patty. That was fine with Eddie. However, when Audra and Bill were there, he didn't know if he could handle it. Something to note, is that Stan, Bill, Audra, and Patty are all connected. They are all part of the theatre production at Derry High. Eddie, no matter how much he wanted to fit in, would never do that. He had no interest. Plus, everyone that does it is fucking weird (at least at his school). Eddie was already on thin ice, as the four would only talk about that every day, leaving Eddie to sit there like the loser he was.

Eddie was almost at his limit. He should just leave right?

He didn't.

Eddie Kaspbrak really sat there, and did nothing while the four of his friends (or rather people he talked to 5 times a week) had their backs facing him, and babbled away about the play techs. Why Eddie didn't get up and leave that specific day is beyond him.

However, that did not stop him the next time.

Eddie walked into the cafeteria, already in a bad mood for being tired and forgetting his jacket at home, and sat at the table, in his unassigned assigned seat, which was trying to be stolen by Patty. Never, was when Eddie would ever let Patty of all people, control him. The brown haired boy shoved his way onto the seat, and saw Stan, Bill, and Audra finishing up a conversation. They didn't even look at Eddie, who had said nothing since he came over. They just started up a new conversation, without even acknowledging him.

Are you fucking kidding me? Eddie thought angrily to himself. A normal person would have started talking to get themselves into the conversation, but that just wasn't who Eddie was. Instead, he got up, without his bag, and went to the bathroom. He didn't really have to go, but he wanted a reason to get away.

Entering, he walked past the regular druggie kids, who thought it was cool to make the bathroom the community hang out and sit on the nasty ass floor, rather then the 20 vacant lunch tables in the cafeteria. Eddie opened one of the stall doors and sat on the toilet, but just to sit. He contemplated on just leaving the table. They wouldn't notice right? Right?

After making a decision, Eddie flushed the toilet to make it seem as if he were actually doing something in there, and exited the boy's bathroom. He walked over to his table with a blank look on his face, and grabbed his shit. Walking away in an orderly fashion may have been the way Eddie would describe his leave, but it was more like speed walking away and hoping no one would notice.

But they did.

Eddie could here the faint "Where is he going?" from the table, but he didn't look back. He exited the table and just went to his class.

Now his first class was pretty enjoyable. Music class. Eddie had always loved music, even if he couldn't play it very well. That class was his favorite part of the day. And he would soon have another reason for why it was his favorite class.

"Eddie! You're early today!" Lucas, a tall dark boy in his class broke into a smile, which caused Eddie to also. Next to Lucas was another boy with wild brown curls (wilder than Richie's): Dustin. The two were pretty much brought together by Lucas, but Eddie still considered Dustin to be cool. Eddie was grateful he came early. He liked talking to Lucas and Dustin. For 90 minutes a day, Eddie could just be friends with Lucas and Dustin, and no one else. That is what the brown haired boy loved.

But things don't last forever.

Later that day, Bill had confronted Eddie about his stunt this morning.

"Why did you leave? Are you mad or something?" Bill asked with only a slight hint of worry in his voice. He always worried about that kind of stuff. If people were mad at him, that is. Not about Eddie leaving.

"I was just tired. And I had to do something. I'm not mad at you." Eddie spluttered out a lie. The only thing that was true about that whole statement was the first part. Bill ate that shit up and never brought it back up again. Will just kind of sat there, unknowing of the full details. Eddie sighed to himself. He would totally hang out with Will in the mornings before class, but Will is a good kid, and goes straight to his first period. English had no effect on Eddie, and he continued to talk shit about the teacher and listen to Will laugh.

It was the little things that didn't include his breakfast club friends that made his day better.


it has been a long time and a lot of shit has happened. But i think I'm okay?? this story is gonna take a turn for the worst and not even include Reddie anymore. maybe I should just change the title??? I don't want to be a bitch and lead people on you know.

anyways, I have a lot of tea to spill

What The Fucking Fuck // Reddie (kind of) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now