Vacation #1 w/o Richie

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It's just a day later that Eddie can finally be able to get out of his house. His mom and her two sisters decided to bring themselves and their kids to the beach.

"Eddie let's gO!" Max shouted. Her and El, Eddie's other cousin, pulled him by the wrist to go outside.

"Mom! We're going to the dollar store!" Max yelled out.
"Be careful Eddiebear! Look both ways before crossing the street! Don't be out too long!"
"Sonia! Let the boy be!"

The teens were already outside. They got about six steps before Eddie's aunt came out running, saying there was a phone call for him. Eddie sighed and walked back inside, wondering why anyone would ever call him.

"Hi!! It's Bill a-and Richie!!" Eddie silently slammed his head on the wall.
"So, do you wanna m-meet up? Since we're a-at the same beach y-you know."
"Um, I guess? I don't know what my family is really gonna do.." That was code for fuck no, I don't even want to see your face. It was Eddie's own fault for getting upset over nothing. He was in one of those moods.

"Okay, well just t-tell me when you know!"
"Yeah, I'll let you know.. bye."

And the call ended.

Eddie sat at the phone for a couple seconds. He wasn't just hurt by the fact Bill and Richie were hanging out together, which he knew, by the constant pictures they kept sending everyone, but by the fact that Richie didn't even say hi to him. It was Bill talking the whole time. Eddie sighed and jogged back up to his cousins.

He suddenly had a burst of confidence.
"Who wants to see me blow off my friends tonight?" Eddie stamped his foot as thy walked.

"That's a mood." El snickered. Her and Max were Eddie's closest friends. Well, they were sort of cousins so he knew they'd always be there. The three teens were actually going to the dollar store, like Eddie's mom would actually let him venture off into the roads. There were many people. Luckily, none of them were Bill or Richie. After all, it was just the dollar store. How could could it be? Eddie didn't even want to think about that. He came to spend time with his family and that was what he was gonna do.

"They're just super best friends you know guys? Wow they got matching henna tattoos or whatever and shit." Eddie scoffed at the picture he got from Bill and Richie.

"Heh, yeah I bet that was the reason they ran out of time :(." Max muttered. She was referring to the call Eddie got from Bill, saying that him and Richie had to go home and maybe they can do something next month or something. Eddie was still, just hurt by the fact that Richie had no effort into even speaking to him, when Eddie had been stressing to make the meet up work, even if he didn't really want it.

Eddie, Max, and El were all in the car, their parents driving them to a restaurant to eat at for dinner, after their trip from the boardwalk. No one was saying anything so Eddie started to stare off to the window and think. And when he thinks, he overthinks.

How upset would he be if Richie and Bill ended up being in a relationship?

After leading Eddie on with hand holding, closeness, depending on each other, and always choosing the other, Eddie would get nothing more but a measly friendship?

While Bill—who Richie strongly disliked for putting them through hell for a while—would get everything? The thought made Eddie want to throw up and cry.

Even after Eddie had told Richie about his feelings and played it off as a weird crush, and after Richie just brushing it off and saying he likes girls, Eddie still thought about him. He thought about all the things he had done for Richie and Bill.

Like that one time Eddie lied to Bill about saying he had a crush on Richie so they could go trick-or-treating alone (which the lie wasn't technically a lie). Or how he had helped Bill through the entire fucking school year with homework, anxiety, dating troubles, you name it.

And yet here Eddie is

Still wanting to kiss Richie in front of the whole world, just to show what could be his.

Kinda short but I was really upset about this today.

I'm always jealous.

What The Fucking Fuck // Reddie (kind of) [completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat