"Baby," he sighed, "you need to tell Vira next time you're too tired. She'll find some way for you to practice without hurting yourself, alright?"

Vira Mirieti, professional dancer, A.K.A. the best ballet dancer in the entire world. That was her choreographer.

When Fran began to dance with the Roses, she thought Vira would be a mean, crabby little women that didn't take no for an answer.

Contrary to Fran's personal beliefs she was one of the sweetest people on the planet. Fran should have thought to go to her, she would have been understanding.

"Why didn't you call me during your attack?" Tony inquired softly. He didn't look angry, just curious and maybe a little sad.

"I'm not stupid," Fran chuckled humorlessly, "look at you right now. You're exhausted because you were in meetings for over twelve hours today, I'm not going to interrupt your sleep for my childish needs."

Tony sighed, rubbing a hand over his tired face.

"I thought we had gotten over this, Fran. You come first. Alright? I have experience with only getting a tiny bit of sleep, you need it for you work. Understood?"

Fran nodded, but that didn't mean she would be calling him. No matter what he said, she wouldn't be interrupting his sleep. She deserved to be alone late at night, he needed his sleep.

"Fran?" He asked. "You spaced out for a minute."

"I'm getting tired, I think I should head to bed," she said, letting her eyes drift away from the screen. It wasn't a total lie, but all she really wanted to do was stop this conversation. She vaguely heard Tony sigh from the computer speakers.

"I'll stay on until you fall asleep, alright? Just let me change," he murmured, lifting his phone up and walking over to his suitcase. When he opened it, Fran couldn't contain her giggle.

"What?" He asked, looking from his suitcase to his phone, then back again.

"You packed the underwear I got you last year," Fran said, putting her hand to her face in embarrassment.

"Yeah, what about it?" His grin was blinding, reaching for the bright red underwear. It had reindeer all over it, and she'd gotten it for him for Christmas as a joke. The joke was on her, she thought, he wore it all the time.

She blushed and rolled her eyes when he made sure his phone was set up so she would be able to see him changing.

"Gonna give me a show, baby?" She asked, a grin on her face as she rubbed her hands together. She almost squealed when his laugh echoed through the speakers.

"Do you want a show?" Tony responded, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he swayed back and forth. She waved her hands in front of her face with a giggle, trying to get him to stop. He wouldn't make a great stripper at all.

"No, not anymore!" She almost shouted, laughing hysterically when he tried to make a sexy pose. He finally stood straight up and laughed.

"Fine, fine. Give me two seconds," he said, slipping his black briefs off then slipping the red ones on. She rolled her eyes. He disappeared from the screen and she heard the sink running in the background.

Fran wrapped the blanket around herself more and stood, also making her way to the bathroom. She set Tony down on the counter and reached for her face wash.

"Yummy," Tony said, watching his wife rub the cream on her face with an amused smile. Fran couldn't keep the smile off her face and shook her head at him. After brushing her teeth and washing her face she brought the laptop to the bed and snuggled in on the right side with her blanket.

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