Parro has stayed in the city to help me along with Angelic. Angelic was the angel looking bird woman. They kind of fell in love with each other which is wonderful to know. They seemed so perfect together. I would smile when they flew pass the penthouse having fun.

Parro and I sometimes go on scouts like today. We just glided above the city listening. Helping anyone who needed it. Though the city seemed oddly quiet today. Usually there is a fire or something going on, but not right now. That worries me and makes me happy too.

We rounded a corner of a building when I got really dizzy. My head felt heavy and everything moved too fast. It just happened so suddenly. "Parro..." My voice sounded scared and lost any weight it usually had. I just started falling unable to move my wings. The world just spun around and around. My body felt like it was weak from the inside. I could not get a hold of myself. Nothing wanted to work right for me.

Parro wrapped his arms around me and stopped my fall. He made it so we were right side up and still in midair. "My lady, what is wrong?" My head fell backwards as my breathing came in deep pants with my eyes closed. The world still spun even when we were stopped in midair. I felt his hand at my forehead. "You're burning up. I am taking you back to your place." He shifted me in order for me to be cradled in his arms.

He flew cautiously through the city. Going high in the sky so he could pass over most of the buildings. He landed in the penthouse and placed me on the couch facing the city. I heard as he ran over to the kitchen and opened the freezer. After a minute I felt something cold on my forehead. Another minute I heard the front door open. Darien must be home from work. It was that late already?

I heard his briefcase fall to the floor with a thud. "What's happened?" Darien rushed over to the couch.

"She is burning up and I don't know why. We were just flying through the city and had just rounded a building, then she was falling." I heard and felt the movement of Parro's wings. He was trying to cool me down with his wings.

"How long has she been like this?"

"Not long." Parro's voice sounded a bit shaky and frightened.

I heard Darien move away for a moment. He was talking on the phone very urgently. He was talking to a doctor and making arrangements for him to come here as quickly as possible. He hung up the phone and came back to me. This time he sat on the couch with me.

I stirred and Parro stopped fanning me. I felt Darien's hand on my cheek. "Angel, honey?"

"So dizzy. Make everything stop moving please." My voice was so quiet.

"The doctor is on his way." Darien stroked my cheek with worried hands.

"Maybe she is hungry. She barely ate anything earlier besides some crackers." Parro was trying to think of anything that could help me. I heard him walk away and into the kitchen. I felt too queasy to eat anything right now with the world spinning.

"Parro... Was she eating crackers yesterday?" I felt another stroke of my cheek.

"Yes, why?" I heard the opening and closing of the refrigerator. Things were being dropped on the counter with tiny thuds.

"I think I know what's wrong, so you should bring just some rare vegetables and fruit, and more crackers." Darien squeezed my hand. It felt scared but also happy. What could be wrong with me that crackers were the key.

Parro was back after a moment. Darien put his arms under me and moved me to one of the arm rests so I was propped up. "We needed you to eat a little something my love." I opened my eyes groggily and saw Darien pickup a cracker for me. He put the cracker to my lips and I took a tiny bite. Its dry course texture tasted right. I ate more when offered.

When I had finished the first cracker, Parro set the plate he had for me down on the couch and went somewhere. Darien offered me a baby carrot next which I ate timidly. Parro came back with a glass of water for me. I drank gingerly, but nearly the whole glass in one sitting. I was so thirsty and hungry for some reason.

There was a knock on the door and Darien had to leave me in Parro's hands to answer it. Parro offered me a strawberry which I nearly ate whole. The doctor had made it really in no time at all. Parro stepped away and allowed the doctor room to examine me. Before the doctor started though, Darien spoke to the doctor silently that made the doctor jump back a step in shock.

Darien came over to me and knelt near my head as he pet my hair. "Angel, the doctor needs a drop of your blood to test something. Will you permit it?"

"Yes." I breathed.

"No! Spilling of her blood is wrong no matter what!" Parro looked like he was about to grabbed the doctor and haul him away.

"Parro...please. I permit it this once." That stopped Parro in his tracks. I concentrated and shifted the light away my pointer finger of my left hand. The doctor grasped the finger and pricked it. I did a tiny jolt when he did. When a small bubble of blood finished forming, the doctor put a little square paper on top. The paper soaked up the blood instantly. I let the light go back when the paper was away.

I saw the doctor place the paper into a dish and pour a liquid into the dish. The clear liquid turned a blue color. A nice dark aqua blue color. The doctor took in a deep breathe and did not let it out. He looked red when he looked at Darien and me. He nodded once to Darien while he let out his breathe slowly.

"What did you ask him to test for?" I leaned my head into Darien's shoulder.

"I asked him to test to see if you were pregnant."

"I am, aren't I?" I have felt strange this past week or so.

"Yes." He stroked my cheek. "That's why you have been eating so many crackers and why you have been sleeping longer in the mornings. I was getting worried about you."

"She should get a complete check up by an ob/gyn and take it easy. If she got dizzy flying, she may have to be grounded for a while." He looked at me pointedly. "Take it easy, doctor's orders." He packed up his bag, and both Parro and Darien told him thank you. I remained laying on the couch feeling the coolness of the cloth on my forehead and feeling better by it. Darien showed the good doctor out of the suite.

Darien came back to me, lifted up my legs, and sat on the couch with my legs in his lap. "How are you feeling now?" He was untying my shoes and taking them off my feet.

"Tired and only a bit dizzy now." Darien put both of my shoes on the ground as I heard sirens down below. I groaned at not being able to help.

"Don't worry my lady. The city will be fine. Rest easy." Parro honored me and left. I longed to go with him and help. My heart ached to help and hated that I was in no condition to do so.

"I'm glad they stayed. It helps you when you need it." Darien started to massage my feet. It felt so good that I started to drift asleep.

Angel {Goddess Class Creation: Book One}Where stories live. Discover now