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Wooyoung has made several bad decisions during his life. Such as when they stole the solution sheet from the desk of his teacher at high school with Yeosang, then put the video they made about it on social media, or when he asked a girl to prom but forgot her name mid confession. But out of all of his bad decisions, the worst was trusting San.

Cold water hit him in the face as if he just smashed into concrete from a 10 story height. The air was suddenly pushed out of his lungs and he could feel water rush into his mouth, eyes and ears, and no matter how hysterically he trashed around to get air there was no oxygen around. He was slowly suffocating as the heavy current of the river pushed his body left to right. He tried to swim to the surface but nature always won in the end. In his last struggle to stay in life despite what he endured so far this morning, he waved around his limbs for something solid to grab onto when a hand latched onto his wrist.

As if being pulled out of a cocoon, he reached the surface and gasped for air, trying to blink away the drops of water from his eyes to be able to see better. However, no matter how much he had hoped that maybe San wasn't that bad, that he would save him, the person he saw as he regained his sight was an unfamiliar gangster.

In the next second, something cold and hard pressed against his stomach and before he could register it the object had already breached past the tissue of his abdomen, shooting sharp pain across his body. Tears filled his eyes as a warm substance surrounded him in the water, whilst they were still going downward with the current.

That's it. This is the end.

Wooyoung was more than certain he would meet his end in such a pathetic way, as if he was playing the role of a loser in an action movie.

The river took a turn and their legs were able to reach the bottom. Wooyoung was barely breathing. The river threw him on the shore, and the gangster a few meters below him. Wooyoung just laid there looking at the blue sky trough the tree branches above him and awaited the man to go up to him and finish the job. But instead of the man, a gunshot came first, and a loud thud was heard right after. 

The gangster hit the ground.

Swift footsteps approached from the left that Wooyoung had failed to even notice as he just allowed his salty tears to hit the ground. The person crouched down next to him, visible shock and anguish on his face. It was San. He was wet from head to toes, water dripping onto Wooyoung's face from his hair.

"Fuck! No no no no no no no no no! This can't be happening this really can't" he spoke, the panic evident in his voice. He looked Wooyoung's body up and down, trying to figure out how to solve this situation. "Fuck no, baby, baby, doll look at me okay? Just look at my face don't look anywhere else okay? I'm gonna help just let me figure out how to do this okay? Hey hey hey don't cry hey, hey hey!" He blabbered on in complete shock and one of his hands circled around the knife while the other tore a part off from Wooyoung's dress shirt.

Wooyoung already started looking like a ghost. He was pale, lips dry and colorless. He was loosing blood way too fast. The pain was so excruciating but he failed to register it anymore, senses dulling.

"Hey listen, I'm gonna pull this out, it's going to hurt but I'm here, I'm holding you okay? I'm here, I'm here, please don't be scared love, please!"

San was practically begging him at this point.

Wooyoung's lips curled upward. He felt disgusting and miserable. He could feel the cold object being retrieved from his body and the irony taste of blood filling up his mouth but his eyes were closing and he was just so tired to keep them open. He just wanted to rest a little, really, only just a little.

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