"I'm gonna get you out. Okay?" She said. She stood up and she waved her hands and red wisps start to form.

"Theo, no! You're too weak! You're gonna kill yourself!" He said grabbing onto her leg. "I'm fine!" She said.

The red wisps grew bigger and she flicked her wrist and the wisps circled the rocks. "Theo," Kota whined. "I got it." She whispered.

The rocks slowly began to float and remove themselves off of the man. The woman's hand shook and she felt blood drip from her nose. "Theo! Stop!" He yelled and tried to escape the rumble.

"Just one more." She gasped in pain. Her ears started to ring as she lifts the last remaining boulder. Kota rolled away just in time for her to drop it. She stumbles and loses balance and falls.

Kota wraps his good arm around her waist and put her arm around his neck. "We need to find Loki or Koschei!" He said.

They stumbled out of the building and made their way further to the city streets. "Let's steal a TARDIS and leave!" Kota said as the made their way into the tall building. "What about Loki?" Theo asked. "We can't just leave, he's our brother." She yelled.

"Halt!" A voice screamed.

"It's them," Kota whispered. "I need you to run." He says.

"Kota, no! I will not let you die!" She said. "Go! Flee to Earth! Find Winifred Barnes. She's friends with Patience." Kota said pushing her towards the building.

"Kota!" She sobs. "Please, I won't leave you."

"Just go! Get out of here, sister." He points.

"No! Not without you!" She yelled back.




"Elizabeth? Are you okay?"

Elizabeth's eyes flutter open and she looks around. "Kota..." She mumbles. "Elizabeth? Can you hear me?" The Doctor asked.


"I'm here, love. I'm right here." He whispered. His hand had pushed back her hair behind her ears. "Where am I?" She asked.

"In the medbay, we're still in the TARDIS. You fainted in the console room." He said.

"I did? I don't remember anything." She got up and started to feel a little woozy. "Take it easy." He said.

"Did you find a signal?" She asked.

"You fainted and all you're worried about is the bloody signal?" He asked. "Well, it's important." She stated hopping out of the bed. "You're one peculiar girl, Elizabeth. And no, I didn't find the signal. The arm was good enough."

"Thought so." She grabbed the bag that was on the table next to her and she flung it over her shoulder.

"The TARDIS did find another life form though. Maybe, we can catch it." He said.

"Well, come on alien boy!" She exclaimed and pulled him to the hallway.

"I don't know where I'm going so, take me to the console room." She said with a giggle. "And you say I'm the pushy one." The Doctor mumbled and started the adventure back to the console room of the TARDIS.


"So, where is this thing at?" Elizabeth asked as she hopped out of the doors. "Well," The Doctor said buzzing his screwdriver. "It's this way." And he walked into a restaurant.

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