Chapter 11~ Not all are what they seem

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          It must be lonely on the ocean, never being able to see your friends and family, surrounded by nothing but water. What kind of life is that? She shook her head and started pushing through the crowd, intent on reaching the door. She was intervened half-way however by the Tavern Keeper. Today the woman wore a long dress and a tight corset overtop, making her large chest even more prominent. Evelyn frowned slightly.

          "How're ya feeling Hon?" The woman smiled politely. "You're looking a great deal better this morning than you were last night. I hope the rest did you some good."
          Evelyn blinked in surprise. Had she really been that much of a mess the night before? "Thank you, it did wonders for me. I won't forget your hospitality."

          The Tavern Keeper merely waved a hand. "It was nothing Dear, you needed it. If there's anything else I can do for ya, just let me know."

          "Thank you, and I'll certainly keep that in mind." She had just stepped forward again towards the door, when the woman grabbed Evelyn's hand. "Oh?" She looked down in surprise at the loaf of bread the woman shoved quickly into her grasp. But before she could even say thank you, the Tavern Keeper pulled her closer.

          "Be weary of that man you were with the night before. No matter how generous and kind they may appear, not all are what they seem." She whispered, then straightened up. "Of course, no need to thank me for it. Take care!" Then she turned and hurried off towards one of the other tables.

          Evelyn stared after her, wondering what that was all about. Did the woman mean Emrys? He seemed nice enough. Then again, did she really know him? And the Tavern Keeper herself seemed on edge, as if the info she had just given could be life-threatening. Clutching the bread tightly against her chest, Evelyn continued walking, unable to make up her mind of what to do.

          The door opened as she reached it, a large man striding out squarely into her with enough force to knock Evelyn down. She cried out as she hit the floor, a chorus of shouts following her. The man glared down at her furiously, his nostrils flaring from rage. Burning ice-blue eyes seared into hers, offset by his pitch black hair. From his gaze alone, it felt like ice was clutching her heart, crushing it in his grip. Someone behind her yanked her roughly to her feet and pulled her out of the way, letting the man pass unburdened. "Filthy whore," he hissed at her, his voice as harsh and rough as freezing wind. A large black dog followed silently at his heels, but when it reached her, it growled furiously. She stumbled back.

          The other people in the inn were quick to hurry out of the man's way as he stormed over to a table. His thick cloak of smoky-silver fur draped the ground before he had even taken a seat.

          Evelyn's only thoughts were to get out of the Tavern as quickly as possible. She could feel the man's eyes rake over her once more before the door closed, cutting her off from view. She let out a deep heavy breath, and stepped away from the door.

          "I was going to say you look better than last night, but then the sickening lack of color in your face forced me to change my mind."

          Evelyn swiveled her gaze around to the shadowy corner next to the Tavern where a figure leaned casually against the wall. Emrys looked up at her, his dark eyes a relief compared to the icy-blue of the man's before. There was something about him today that was different, but she couldn't place what it was. "Care to explain your ghostly complexion?" He raised an eyebrow out of mild curiosity.

          Evelyn sighed. "There was a man that entered the building. He was tall, dark, and--"

          "Handsome?" Emrys cut in with a light chuckle.

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