I turned to him, knocking the hand off my shoulder. "I'm going to the library. Tell my mother when you see her to come and find me."

With that, I turned and left the room. I grabbed my backpack and I hurried down the stairs. I remembered the book that I had taken from my last journey to the library. I hurried down the stairs entering my mother's lab, finding it empty. I sat and ripped open my pack, finding the book quickly. There was a short description, saying how those with the surnames and faces in the following pages may very well so no longer be associated with the group of hunters. Many hunters didn't pass on the heritage back in the day. They say it as more of a choice back then. Their sons and daughters could choose for themselves, usually, if they didn't choose hunters they were scattered or cast out as witches.

Times hadn't gotten better.

There were so many names listed, so many faces that had been drawn with pencils ages ago. A- C were all just names, and drawings signed by Gyn, and when I got to the H's, a piece of paper fell from the leather bound book. I lifted the worn parchment. It was a journal entry.

The hunters have been quiet for too long know, since the passing of our dear sister, they took her life as a warning to us, however, it was harder on the boy than it will be on us. The boy won't forget what his father as done. He has his mother's spirit in him.

Gyn Harding. 

It was written like a warning, being sent to someone, but there was no one addressed. No one that it was directed to. The boy? Our dear sister? What was Gyn hiding from me?

I flipped the page and found another note scribbled on a newer piece of paper.

Rosemary is going to change everything.

I know it, she is falling into a path that will lead her to victory. She may lose herself more than we expected dear fates.

Flipping through the pages I found many torn out, running my fingers over the rough edges I frowned, Someone was keeping something from me.

I looked up from the book, noticing the plants on the shelf begin shaking. Forming, I pushed the book back into my bag, I stepped forward, hearing yelling somewhere in the house, I opened my mouth to say something but I was stopped by a glass flying off the desk towards me. The pictures on the walls shook, the floor creaked, like a million bricks slamming into it. The desk rumbled like a freight train just passed, and all of a sudden the house shook and seemed to rise then fall and my feet slid out from under me, my head knocking against the floor. The whole entire house lurched. I had only felt this happen once before when the wards had been put up when I was a child. It could only mean one thing to feel this once more.

I launched myself to my feet, using a little air manipulation to do so, I darted to the stairs, taking them as quickly as possible has the house was shaking all around me.

I reached the top of the stairs as Joseph stumbled down in the hallway, cursing he regained his footing and caught my gaze, eyes wide. Nathan was at my side in a moment, Pictures fell from the wall and crashed against the ground, glasses in the kitchen shattered and the sounds echoed through the house.

I heard women shouting, and it reached deep in me, I knew the voice, I knew I needed to do something. And then I froze, deep in my gut, I could feel the presence.



Nathan and I must've felt the disturbance at the same time, looking towards Joseph he had moved to the back of the hall and was hurrying small children out the back door. I stepped to go and help him, but I froze. I heard screaming, but I heard one above the others. My mother was screaming for help. My feet moved on their own, my mother was hurt, I could feel it. In my gut and along my skin. The world was a blur of colors, my heart hammering was all I could hear as I pushed out of the kitchen and into the main room, a hunter greeted me, throwing me back into the wall. He was wearing the same mask and outfit that I had been warned against for my whole life, and only he wasn't armed with knives at his sides, he was holding them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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