The hot, summer air whipped Percy's dark honey locks in every direction as he ran a hand over his shiny face. They were celebrating the upcoming semester. It was going to be their senior year, and all Percy was looking forward to was graduation. He couldn't wait to have the degree in his hands, to place his tassel on one side and tip his cap into the air. Just one more year, he promised himself. One more year until you're free.

It was scary to think about – you know, being in the real world. Growing up was terrifying, and sometimes, Percy wished he had the ability to stay twenty-one forever. But that was impossible. In the very least, he could look forward to leaving college and finally getting away from his lackluster "friends."

The drive was short. They weren't taking a road trip, thankfully. Percy knew he wouldn't be able to take several hours with them in a car. They were only driving from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles, a short two-hour drive. Despite agreeing to this vacation – which his parents wouldn't let him say no to – Percy was the tiniest bit excited. He had never been to L.A., even after living in California his whole life. Visiting Los Angeles was almost like a rite of passage to any Californian.

They really didn't have much of a plan, either. Christian said they were going to spend this whole week surrounded by girls and a round of shots. Percy hoped to God that maybe he could slip away from the partying once and while to explore L.A. He liked partying as much as the next person, but ... doing the same thing all the time was just boring.

Bobby hadn't asked him to contribute much money for the hotel, and once they arrived in the parking lot, Percy suddenly knew why. As Bobby pulled the key out of the ignition, Percy's eyes drifted up to the sign flashing on and off in the darkness of the night. He couldn't see much of the hotel, due to the sudden rain shower that was clouding up the sky, but it looked incredibly old. Percy cocked a brow, wondering why his rich friend decided on a place like this for them to stay.

It seemed that both Bobby and Christian had the same thought. "Before you say anything," Bobby said, "just know that every other place was booked. It is Labor Day weekend, after all, and this joint is right near everything. We should be set."

"It looks like a fucking dump, Bobby," Christian complained.

"Just shut up and get your bags," the other boy replied. "You don't have a problem with it, do you, Perce?"

Percy's head snapped in Bobby's direction. "I mean ..." He shrugged. "It doesn't really matter to me."

It wasn't difficult to lug their bags inside. For some reason, Bobby and Christian felt the need to bring three bags, while all Percy needed was one. The second they stepped inside the lobby, Percy's eyes were engulfed with red. Red couches, red carpet, red curtains. The lobby was an image out of a 1920s movie. Percy was stunned and found himself hesitating to take it all in as his friends walked towards the front desk.

There was no one there. Percy watched Bobby begin to ring the shiny, silver bell on the desk as he sauntered towards them. Christian eventually slapped his friend's hand away, and finally, an older woman came out of the back. A pair of big, round glasses sat on the edge of her nose, and her wrinkled lips formed into a taut frown. Christian leaned against the counter, throwing the woman a lazy smirk, and said, "We have a reservation. Should be under Robert Parker."

The woman sighed before turning around and handing them the address book to write their names down. Her name tag glistened in the light, the word, Iris, printed on bold, black letters. "How many?" She asked as Percy arrived by his friends' sides. "Three?"

Bobby nodded, handing the pen to Percy, who reluctantly signed his name below theirs. When he looked up, he noticed Iris was staring at him. He quickly set the pen down and handed it back to her when she asked, "What do you boys plan on doing?"

LOVER TO LOVER ━ AHS HotelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz