Bun looked at him ''Was that the guy you told me about?''

Kla nodded. Just then Bun turned and saw Prince making his way over to them. Bun pushed Kla into the room and shut the door. Prince stopped and looked at Bun.

''Where is he'' Prince asked in a harsh voice.

''Who'' Bun said.

''You know who, now where is he'' His voice was getting even more harsh.

Bun nodded ''Oh, you mean Kla. I think I saw him head to the library to get something before class. You might want to try there.''

Prince huffed and walked off to the library. Bun stuck his tongue out at him as he left. Kla opened the door and looked out ''What the hell was that about'' he said looking at Bun.

''Just looking out for Royal assholes'' he teased.

Just then the bell rang and class started. Both Bun and Kla laughed as they headed inside. Once class was over Bun stood up and looked out the door.

''I swear this guy doesn't stop'' Bun said slamming his books on the desk.

Kla sighed and hung his head ''How the hell am I going to get out of this one'' he banged his head on the desk.

Just then someone runs in and walks over to Kla kneeling down ''Hey, what is wrong with my little puppy'' a voice said.

Kla looked up to see Beer looking at him ''Shit, Beer what are you doing'' he said with a small smile.

''I bugged Ice enough till he told me what school you went to. So here I am, also I'm going to be giving you a ride back'' Beer said standing up.

Bun sat on the desk across from Kla ''Look, that's cool and all dude but there is one problem'' Bun pointed to the door where Prince was standing. ''The stalker ex is waiting for him.

Beer looked over ''He could be a problem, but Ice said I was only allowed to come get Kla and bring him back'' He sighed then looked at Kla for a moment.

''Look, it's not that bad. You can just go ahead and wait for me by the car I'll be there soon'' Kla said standing up.

''No can do'' Beer grabbed Kla's stuff shoving it inside his bag then throw it over his shoulder. He looked around ''We will go out the front while your friend goes out the back.''

Bun grabbed his own bag and nodded ''Right while he is busy with me the two of you sneak out the front and make a run for it'' he said.

Both Beer and Bun nodded and opened the doors at the same time. When Prince stopped Bun, Beer grabbed Kla and made a run for it. When they looked back Bun was yelling at them to run faster. Prince was following behind them. Once they got to the car Beer pushed Kla inside the car then jumped in himself and locked the door. Prince ran over and banged on the door.

''Kla, get out and come talk to me now'' he shouted.

Kla flinched and didn't even bother looking at him. Beer watched how Kla acted and started to get upset. He got out of the car and locked it again then walked over to Prince pushing him away.

''Dude, leave Kla alone, he doesn't want to talk to you or even see you'' he said in a calm voice.

Prince looked him up and down ''And just who the hell are you'' he said.

''A friend of a friend of his'' Beer said standing in between Prince and the car.

''I don't give a fuck who you are, I want to talk to Kla now.'' Prince demanded.

''That's not going to happen'' Beer said just then his phone rang. ''Yeah?''

''Did you get Kla'' Ice voice came through.

The Healing Glow of Two Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें