Make A Wish: Part 24

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It was a staring contest.

Well not really but it seems like it.

Besides if we were really having a staring contest, Bruno would be losing.

Mainly because he wouldn't shut up.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"My house." I reply for the millionth time.

"Why?" He asks.

"We're waiting." I say.

"Waiting for what?" He asks.

"I don't know yet." I tell him.

He sighs and fumbles with his shoe laces, obviously beyond bored. But what else could we do? The dream stone was Broken. The spell was reversed. We don't have anyone here to help us.

Will we be stuck like this forever?

"Lets do something." Bruno suggests.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Anything but sit in this hell hole for a second longer." He chuckles and gets up. He sells towards the front door. "You comin?" He asks.

I stand up and nod. It's not like there's anything more important to do right now. As soon as I approach the door I hear the sound of a car engine. "Oh no." I say.

"What? Who's here?" He asks.

"My mom." I say. She can't see me like this.

"Ooh I wanna meat her! Do you think she'll cook me something to eat? I'm starving!" Bruno says.

I shake my head. Typical, Bruno. Always looking for a meal.

Before I can protest he opens the door and walks out anyways. Shit.

"Who are you?" I hear my mom ask. I quickly dash into the hall and hide as she walks in.

"I'm Bruno Mars." Bruno says.

"Who?" My mom asks.

I shake my head. Bruno doesn't realize we are still in the time before there ever was a Bruno Mars. Nobody knows who he is anymore.

"Did my daughter invite you here?" My mom asks.

"Selina? Yeah she brought me here." Bruno says.

Before they continue their conversation I sneak out the back door of the house. Soon Bruno comes out looking for me. "I told you not to talk to her." I say.

He just shrugs. "So are we goin somewhere or naw?" He asks. He walks to my car and gets in the drivers seat. I follow and sit beside him in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I put my seatbelt on.

"Well I don't know how I got to Hawaii, but as long as I'm here I might as well go to the beach." He says.

So, we go to the beach.


I watched as Bruno took off his shirt, and dropped it on the ground. He turned around and smiled, noticing I was staring at him.

"You know millions of girls would kill to see me right now." He says.

Yeah except this is 2003, and those millions of girls don't know you exist yet. Is what I wanted to say.

I roll my eyes. "Really? They would kill to see a chubby Oompa Loompa?"

Bruno chuckles. "I see you've done your research." He says before walking off into the water.

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