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Hey everyone, it's Leah here :)

As you know, Make A Wish is over, but I had some news for y'all.

I don't really have time to write a whole new story..... But I know you guys wanted some more of my writings so just a quick question.

I had a story I wrote about a year ago, that was a fanfiction I put on my Instagram. I know some of you have read it. It's called "Fly With Me" and I think overall it's been my most successful storyline. It's got everything a great fanfic should have.

So the question is.....if I revised it, and posted it on here for those of you who haven't read it, would you be interested?

Please comment and let me know. And if you're too lazy to comment.....leave a vote on this page and that'll tell me as well.

I'm excited to see what y'all think. Love you Hooligans!!!


P.S. I attached the cover for the fanfic at the top ;)

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