Make A Wish: Part 4

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My eyes flutter open as I suddenly gain consciousness. Only to realize I'm in bed, which could only mean one thing.

It was just a dream.

I knew it was too good to be true.

I sit up and rub my eyes to make the world come into focus. That's when I realize I'm not in my room. I reach for my glasses on the bedside table but they aren't there. Then I notice that nothing is blurry, and I can see perfectly fine.


Am I still dreaming? Or did I spend the night somewhere and don't remember?

I get out of bed to explore further into this mystery. Walking into the bathroom that's connected to this room I look up in the mirror. I let out an ear piercing scream as I stare at the person in front of me. I bring my hand up and touch my face just to make sure it's real.

I'm Jessica Caban.

I also notice in the reflection something dangling around my neck. The blue gem.

I stumble back in shock and lose my balance. I fall into the bath tub that I didn't realize was behind me.

"Ouch..." I say rubbing the back of my head.

Just then I hear the sound of a ringtone playing. Is that my cell phone?

I scramble out of the tub and hurry to answer the phone. Picking it up and looking at the screen I read the contact name "Babe" is calling.

Could this be who I think it is?!

I press the answer button and hold the phone to my ear. "H-Hello?" I stutter.

"Hey, sweetie." I hear his angelic voice that makes me melt on the other side of the phone.

I was so overwhelmed I couldn't even make a sound. I knew if anything were to escape my lips it would be a squeal of excitement and then probably tears. Lots, and lots of tears.

"Jessica? You there? Hello?" Bruno asks.

"Um, yeah. Yes. I'm here. I...I'm here, Bruno." I babble like an idiot. I gulp and try to contain my excitement. Just act natural, Selina.

"Are you ok, babe?" Bruno asks concern in his voice.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. What makes you think something's wrong?" I laugh nervously.

" reason, I guess. So are we still up for tonight?" Bruno asks changing the subject.


"Um, yeah of course. Just to clarify what exactly are we doing tonight?" I ask.

"I told you it's a surprise, silly!" Bruno laughs.

"Haha...oh, right. My bad. I'm just so eager I guess." I say.

"Mhmm nice try though, babe." He chuckles. "By the way wear that little black dress you know I love. See ya tonight at 6!" He says.

"Sure, Bruno. See you tonight. Bye." I say. Then I hear a click as Bruno hangs up.

I just talked to Bruno fucking Mars.

And he's taking me out tonight.

Except he doesn't know I'm not really Jessica Caban, and I have no clue which dress he's talking about.

I didn't really think this through, huh?


Make A Wish (Bruno Mars Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat