"Not in so many words. Actually, she won't admit to any abuse in the house. I suspect she's just trying to move on and protect what family she's got left." I walk beside my sister, keeping with her pace once I catch up.

"Kid says his stepfather teed off on him regularly." They keep talking. So if not the teenager than who? Or what?

"I'm confused. How does this fit with the psychical evidence?" I finally speak up. We walk over to a hole in the ground.

"Well, even if he didn't dig this hole, the disease could have killed root systems creating week soil." Something still doesn't make sense. She continues on with the idea, but I don't think any of us are convinced.

"Did you ask if anyone else could have been involved?" I look at Dana from the other side of the hole and then glance down at Fox who is now covered in mud.

"She said that Bobby can't make friends. He's been in therapy for his anger." She looks up at me and her eyes go wide.

"Come here." She reaches out her hand for me. As soon as I'm close enough she grabs my wrist and pulls me behind her. "Mulder, someone's watching us." He climbs out of the hole but gets stuck on a root.

"Sir! Hello?" Just as I move to look from behind my sister, he runs out of view. I only get a glimpse.


"Stay at the hotel. We're interviewing his therapist." Dana warns me. I look hopefully at Mulder but he shrugs and pats my shoulder sympathetically. I suck my teeth and scowl but I know they're right.

While they're out I use the open space of wall and hotel sticky notes to make a crime board of sorts.

I have to see the scene again. I was to busy listening to the conversation... And shooing away thoughts of Skeet Ulrich. So I walk to the neighborhood. No harm. Just walking in a public neighborhood.

When I get back Dana and Mulder are just now walking into their respective rooms.

"Mulder, where's-" Dana walks back out and sees me in the hallway. "Where did you go?"

"I needed pictures of the scene. Nothing interesting happened." I turn to Mulder who's leaning on the doorframe of his room.
"Not to see the kid again?" He smirks.

"Why would you go to see Bobby?" Her eyebrow furrow.

"No, I didn't. Besides, neither him nor his mom were home. I just needed pictures so I can connect everything."

They explain what happened with the therapist, even going as far as to mention dirt on her shoe.

"So she's a suspect?"

"Possibly." Dana eyes Mulder, making sure he doesn't go to far with the theory. I write down her name and add it to the mess of papers on the wall. Then I start explaining what we currently know out loud.

"Wait. If the therapist said he didn't have any friends then where is he at 5 in the afternoon?" I turn to look at them.


The next morning they're called to another crime scene. I talk to the police on scene after Dana shows them her badge and joins Mulder. They don't tell me much. I'm guessing because I'm young but maybe they just really don't know anything. I take pictures and write descriptions on the bottom while I wait.

Dana and Fox tell me that the deceased was a single father. Him and his daughter had a fight about Bobby Rich.

They allow me to join in the interview with Lisa. When we get there a lady is talking with her. I go over with Dana while Mulder talks with the therapist. She tells us that Bobby was capable and that he threatened to kill a bully yesterday. Apparently Lisa and Bobby had some sort of relationship. She didn't explicitly say but I'm guessing it was romantic.

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