"Of course, I am going to miss you though."

   "Well, duh," I joked. For one of the last times as roommates, Kaila and I hugged on the floor of the living in room in our apartment.


   Having worked here for nearly 10 years definitely has its perks. For example, considering I'd taken Kelly's shift, I should've had to work playground duty for two hours, but Mr. Westchester moved me to the ice cream parlor. It wasn't much better, but it beats sitting out in the sun, watching kids slide down slides.

   I don't know how Kelly does it. She's the only one who doesn't complain about playground.

"Josie," Jocey smirked when she walked into the parlor with the parlor visor on. "I thought Rosie was working parlor today?"

"Kelly needed someone to take her shift, and I was not trying to do playground today. I talked Rosie into switching. I just have to bring her a scoop of ice cream every 30 minutes." For some reason, today is hotter than it normally is. Usually at this point in September is when we start to veer toward the cooler Florida temperatures, but today is still an excruciating 85 degrees.

Given the fact it's a Sunday, too, it's only a matter of time before people begin piling in. Church is over now and people will begin rolling in any minute.

"The herd has arrived," Trevor's voice came over the walkie-talkie attached to Jocey's hip. "This is not a drill."

Trevor and Tristan, the twins, were hired at a slightly young age, only 14 years old, but they are honestly a hoot and a half. They keep Westchester alive by doing things like bringing walkie-talkies to work sometimes and talking in code over them. The reason they get away with working here so young is the fact they are certified lifeguards because of their years of swim experience — lifeguarding the waterpark is pretty much the only position they really ever fill.

Just as Trevor promised, herds and herds of people came bombarding through the park. Some kids made a beeline for the waterpark, others dragged their parents to the beach for the sand, very few went to bombard Rosie at the playground, and the rest decided ice cream was the move. Yay.

"This 8 hour shift is not it today," I mumbled once we served the last couple of costumers from the rush. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to get up so early when I was already up late, but I did have to wake up at the crack of dawn basically.

I guess that'll be changing pretty soon since Ian and I will be moving in together. No more having to wake up early to go home and shower and change into work clothes or get my school stuff before heading to campus. I will already be home.

"I'm going to go on break, do you want me to call Rosie in for now?"

Jocey glanced out the window to see what the park was looking like, people wise, and shrugged. "Sure why not?"

I grabbed my phone from the back room and went outside to get Rosie. She'd only be in the parlor for about 15 minutes for my break time, which means she won't have to deal with too many customers.

   I speed-walked to the lounge where Ian said he'd be doing some work for Mr. Westchester. I was getting antsy to tell him I will, in fact, move in with him.

"Hey, E," I said, taking a seat across from him at the desk he was working at. "What are you up to?"

"Just checking some emails for Mr. W," he answered as he closed his laptop. He leaned back in his chair and smirked at me. "What can I do for you, Ms. Pappstein?"

He definitely has the authority vibe to him. He looked hot in his professional get-up of a suit and tie and neatly combed hair.

"Well, Mr. Miller, I have some riveting news to deliver from your girlfriend." I played along.

"I like the sound of this."

"She wants you to know she cannot wait to move in with you."

"Really?" Ian beamed, breaking character. "I'm so glad, Jos." I met him halfway around the desk to hug and kiss him.

"If we love each other, then why waste time?" Time is of the essence and I refuse to waste any more of it.

"I couldn't agree more."


Good early afternoon to everyone!
I'm currently sitting in stats, doing nothing. Just took a quiz, and it went one of two ways — either really good or really bad. I have a feeling it was not too hot....

How are y'all?

I haven't got much to say but here's a few countdowns to days I'm looking forward to, if any of you can match my excitement!

Spring break trip to Florida: 39 days
Stuco states: 29 days
Last day of HS ever: 91 days
Shawn Mendes concert: 164 days

YAY! Can't wait :)

Don't forget to...
Check out my other stories!

- Emily
B.E. Better Everyday

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