0.3 // expression

180 6 0

it is concert day.
at first i was anxious,
but now i am looking forward to it.

i have a solo in the opening song.
i sound great.
i'm proud of myself for coming so far already.

by the time this will be posted, the concert will have been long finished.

i'm learning to express myself.

not only verbally,
but with fashion,
and makeup,
and music,
and art.

i'm slowly learning to accept the less masculine side of myself.

i wore a skirt over my jeans when i went to the doctor's office.
that was a huge step for me.

i'm slowly learning how to stop caring about what others may think.
i'm being patient with myself.
i'm being gentle with myself.

i'm learning.

so slowly.

but every little baby step is bringing me closer to my goal.

this is no longer a matter of "if" i make it,
it's a matter of "when".

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