Chapter 16

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"I hope this is serious, Miss Lin."

Was it me, or did the Artefact Room inexplicably get colder over the holidays? I was accustomed to the stinky feet scent that lingered in the small dark chamber, but not the chill that seemed to settle in over the last few days. There was no reason for us to use the room when we had the castle pretty much all to ourselves--and that was what abandonment did. It left us to experience the freeze.

I glanced up at Madam Rakepick and nodded. I knew I should feel a little guilty pulling her in the room unexpectedly, but it was important.

"Yes," I told her. "I know you might be mad at me, but...I've learned to perfect the Patronus Charm over the holidays."

"And why would I be mad?"

I was shocked to see that she wasn't even the slightest bit upset. Sure, she wasn't really a professor, but she still had some authority here, didn't she?

"Because...I wasn't supposed to use magic outside of class?" I said sheepishly.

Madam Rakepick just nodded, however. "Interesting. Can you show me, please?"

She swiftly stepped aside and cleared some room for me, which I appreciated gratefully. It wasn't hard to think of a happy memory from there--so many amazing moments filled the holidays with cheer and goodwill, and even I had forgotten about the looming trouble with Dementors and the Cursed Vaults. I smiled faintly as I recalled the memory of the Christmas present Barnaby gave to me--a sweater that was as soft as a pillow and as warm as his embraces--and as the silver horse cantered around the room, I felt a sudden pang in my chest.

Would I consider myself too selfish to think of him over my mother?


It was the only word Rakepick could say as the horse faded into thin air, and I glanced over at her to see her look on at me with intrigue. She wasn't smiling at all--rather, her face still held the serious look I had grown accustomed to seeing, and it worried me.

"I've seen something different in you, Miss Lin--something that sets you apart from the others," Madam Rakepick told me then. "I was once just like you. It pains me to admit it, but you're much farther along than I was at your age."

"In terms of breaking the curses on the Vaults?" I asked her, frowning. "I don't see it much as a bragging right I can shoulder alone. I've had help from my friends."

"As I have noticed when you brought Miss Khanna with you for your lesson on the Patronus Charm. How are things between you and Miss Khanna now?"

I shrugged at that question, remembering how the last time I met with Madam Rakepick my friendship with Rowan was launched in jeopardy. "Fine," I responded lightly. "We've reconciled over the holidays."

I wasn't sure if it was the light, but I thought I caught a glint of something in Rakepick's eyes that almost broke her strict image. It seemed that something was bothering her too, because then she clenched her fist and only nodded. "I'm impressed, Ms. Lin. You're a very gifted pupil."

Before I could say anything else, however, she quickly left the room, leaving me to wonder whether I have done something that made her lose her cool. She was normally so stoic and steady...was it something I said?

I quickly shouldered my bag and left the room as well, heading back to the Gryffindor common room in silence.

There must be more to Madam Rakepick beyond what everyone knows--but what?


Classes were soon back in session before I knew it, and with the ever growing pile of homework that I had to complete every night, there was hardly any room to worry about the Dementors stationed around every corner of the school now, elevating the security around the castle. I still wrote to my mother occasionally, but there had been no mention of Fenrir Greyback in her letters. Occasionally she'd tell me that little Em was doing great, but nothing else besides that.

I couldn't exactly bring myself to sigh that breath of relief, though. It hurt to think that in two years, Em would finally be coming to Hogwarts, and get Sorted into a House, and be exposed to the steady stream of curses that's inflicting most of the student population. Or suffering the same amount of ridicule I had in my years at school. It hurt to think that I was so far from home to protect her from the dangers going about. I just prayed that Greyback wouldn't find her and snatch her away--one of the last links in the chain that was still patching me together could potentially break me entirely. I loved her too much to think that something horrible would happen to her.

"Wotcher, Clara! You dropped this!"

I turned around to see Tonks approach me with a slight pant as I was just walking through the halls to Care of Magical Creatures late one afternoon, holding a slip of parchment in hand. I recognized it immediately--it was the letter I got from my mother just this morning at breakfast.

"Thanks, Tonks," I said, smiling as I pocketed it in my robes. "I never got to ask this, but how did things go with Professor Sprout?"

"I passed the comprehensive!" Tonks announced, pumping a fist in the air. "And it's thanks to you, Clara. Without you, I probably would have flunked it big time."

"Aww. I'm glad I can help," I responded, giving Tonks a side hug. "Don't tell me you're actually off to pull another prank, though. As much as I want to help, I've got class to run to."

"Oh, maybe, maybe not." Tonks laughed and grinned knowingly. "You'll see."

She quickly waved at me and headed off, while I walked on to Care of Magical Creatures. As I got to threshold of the castle, though, I was quickly stopped by Merula, who approached me with a surprisingly calm expression.

"So, I heard you can perform a Patronus," she simply told me. "Rakepick must have taught you well."

"Nice to see you too, Merula," I said offhandedly, brushing past her without so much of a second glance. As much as I'd like to question her calm demeanour towards me, now absent of the previous malice, I really didn't want to deal with her and fall into another trap.

"Wait, Lin. I'm being serious!" Merula called as she tried to catch up to me. "It's just that it's so hard, and--"

"I thought you were the most powerful witch at Hogwarts, Merula. Conjuring a Patronus shouldn't be a problem for you," I retorted, my strides becoming wider and wider with every step down the hill.

"Lin, I hate to admit this, but I need help," Merula finally cried, practically running towards me with her eyes gleaming in desperation. "And Rakepick told me to help you."

"What?! Why?"

"Don't ask me. I can't answer that for you even if I do know the answer." Merula sighed and raked a hand through her choppy brown locks. "Will you help me with the Patronus Charm?"

I couldn't believe she was actually trying to ask me for a favour. Where was the girl who trapped me in first year with Devil's Snare with a forged note? Where was the girl who practically threatened to vaporize me in the first few years I was at Hogwarts? Where was the girl who duelled me at every encounter? My eyes narrowed as I looked at her, and for a minute neither of said anything. Then I defiantly shook my head.

"You've tricked me too many times, Merula. Your trust isn't even a question anymore--it now has an answer," I told her. "And that answer is no. You hated me from the start. Why ask me for help now when it's clear we'll always be at odds?"

Without even seeing Merula's reaction, I walked on to Care of Magical Creatures, but not before I heard a loud scream not too far off--a familiar scream that made my blood run cold. Then I found myself running towards the Forbidden Forest, my feet taking me as fast as they could, Merula hot at my heels as I tried to reach the source.

But I couldn't. Next thing I knew, a growl and snarl filled the air as I soon came face to face with something much more frightening than the Boggart Voldemorts from last year.

I was now staring into the eyes of a bloodthirsty grey wolf.

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