Chapter 13

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I wasn't sure there was anyone in the world who lost their best friend and gained a boyfriend in a matter of a few days, let alone lose a brother long before they entered Hogwarts. Still, I wouldn't consider myself completely unfortunate.

Or should I?

Without Rowan around, I felt a little lost, admittedly. Potions became very unbearable as Merula began to tease me more and more about my messy unkempt hair, constantly falling out of its hair tie every day while the occasional loose strand would float into my bubbling cauldron. Flying class also lost its fun with no one to make fun of the classic broom smack into Merula's nose every time we had to summon our brooms at the beginning of class. Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Transfiguration became quiet classes as well as I began to distance myself from Rowan, opting to sit and work with other students in the class. The change in seating arrangement was not the only thing that changed about me in class, though. It seemed that my performance in class took quite the nosedive as well--many of my recent essays have gotten a grade of 'A' or 'P', and at one point I swore Snape gave me a 'D' on my report on Ageing Potion.

I didn't know whether he was doing that out of spite, or he really thought I deserved that grade. Either way, Barnaby was right. Something was off about me.

"Wotcher, Clara!"

"Huh, what?" I glanced up from my sloppily finished Herbology homework to see Tonks greet me with a wide smile on her face. "Oh. Hey, Tonks." Then my eyes widened. "Wait, what are you doing in the library? I mean, I know you're smart--it's just that I only ever see you here when I need help on an adventure."

"I guess with the Dementors and all, it's been tough to plan any adventure at all," Tonks said with a shrug. "It's okay, Clara. I just need to study up for this major comprehensive test Professor Sprout gave me. If I don't pass it, she would give me detention every day until we graduate."

Oh good lord. Either Tonks had caused mischief on her own while I was trying to cope with my Dementor aftermath, or Professor Sprout had somehow pulled a Snape for some unbelievable reason. "What happened?" I asked. "Tulip wasn't involved, was she?"

"No. She had to do a project with another girl. Badeea, I think she said her name was." Tonks sat down beside me and pulled out her textbook. "Anyway, so I snuck out after curfew just last night--"

"That's not so bad," I murmured.

"And I was sneaking out a Venomous Tentacula from the greenhouses..."

"Wait, you didn't!"

"And I was going to put it into Filch's office..."

"Oh no..."

"But then I tripped, and sent the plant flying into the Potions room instead," Tonks finished. "Professor Snape set it right with a couple Herbicide potions--Professor Sprout had to stop him from doing me in next, but they agreed I should be stuck in permanent detention. I managed to talk them out of it, but only if I pass this special Herbology exam."

Was this really all because of me? Did this happen because I have been so detached from the rest of my friends? I felt tears well behind my eyes. "Oh, Tonks, I'm so sorry."

"Don't blame yourself, Clara. I know you've been busy trying to work out the whole Dementor issue. Though I'm not sure if that's the latest curse, or it's simply a consequence of Greyback's escape from Azkaban."

"Dumbledore never mentioned Dementors being stationed everywhere with Greyback on the loose," I recalled from the feast at the beginning of the year. "Then again, maybe he never knew much about Greyback's escape. If this is the new curse, I'd say I'm relieved no one has succumbed to it."

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