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2 weeks later

It's the iHeartRadio today and I am excited not because I am going to perform and because I am pregnant but because this is my first red carpet event with Jonathan and I am so excited.Also Jon is healing preety good but he still have to be careful what to do

"You look cute"I said as I closed his suit and he just smiled at me"You ok Jon" as I was confused on why he haven't said anything

"I am ok it's just that I can't believe that I am going to walk on the Red carpet with you"He said looking down

"And it's not going to be the last"I said as I lifted his face with finger and kissed him and I could see that he has something bothering him"What's wrong Jon"

"Nothing"He said

"Nothing yeah right you haven't said anything"I said

"No nothing just thinking that's all"He said

"About"I said and he sight

"Am I going to be a good father"He said with a sight

"Are you for real?"I asked shocked and he sight

"It's just I never had a very good family enviroment and I don't know if I am going to be good at it.What if I mess up and the kid will hate me.After all I am the Lunatic"He said and that actually hurts

"Than if you never wanted to be a father you shouldn't have messed with me"I said disapointed and went to open the door of our dressing room

"Princess I didn't meanit like that"He said grabbing my arm

"Let's go because it's time for the red carpet"I said and I could hear Jon sight

As we went out the paparazzi instantly started taking pictures

"Princess"Jon told me but I kept a smile on my face and ignored him"Can you talk to me please"

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"Princess"Jon told me but I kept a smile on my face and ignored him"Can you talk to me please"

"Just shut up will you"I said still keeping a smile

"Emily can we get a word please"and we saw Olly Murs

"Hey Olly"I said and we greated each other with a hug

"Dean Ambrose"Olly said shaking his hand"So first I want to congratualate you both on your pregnancy.We are so looking forward to see your little baby"and I grabbed onto Jon's hand

"Well thank you Olly.We are so looking forward for our baby"I said and Jon smiled

"So do you know the gender"Olly asked with a smile

"Our friend are going to throw us a baby shower and we are going to have a baby revealing"I said

"That's nice"Olly said"But I can not ask you Dean Ambrose how are you feeling right now.You usually that Lunatic guy who everyone is scared to talk to"

"Don't forget the warden of the Asylum too"Jon said and we all laughed"Well that is my persona in WWE not my eveyday character although I have to admit that my character changed a lot since I started dating Emily but actaully I am more of a soft guy you know and yeah it's a bit different than I am used to but I am here to support her and for that I will do anything even come here dressed in a suit"and I hugged him  

"So do you get that a lot when you meet your fans about your character"Olly asked Jon

"Yeah a lot especially with young children.They be like Oh you are scared Mr.Ambrose but I like you"Jon said and Olly laughed

"But what is the strangest thing that fans have ever said to you"Olly said

"The strangest thing"Jon said"Well not strange actually it's a cute things because I was in the hotel lobby and I saw a little girl waiting for me to sign her WWE book and I noticed that she had a little adorable french bulldog wrapped in a blanket and I signed her book but she looked pretty said and I noticed again and I asked her are you ok I mean she's like oh my dog is really sick and he looked really sick in the blanket and I was like I am sorry. I mean like what can I do to make you feel better I mean can I help at all and she was like yeah I'll tell you what you can do for me get revenge on Bray wyatt for what he did last night in St.Louis I want you to make him feel the pain, the blues,the agony and I told this girl Little girl I promise you that I will break Bray Wyatt leg tonight so help me God I will put Bray Wyatt in the Indian Deathlock since no man had ever esaced and I will break his leg for for you and your dog"and I laugehd remembering him telling me

"You know that is touching"Olly said laughing

"Well I am that type of guy"Jon siad smiling

"So I can not ask you about WWE"Olly said and me and Jon smiled"You put your lifes at risk eveytime you step in that ring why do it if you keep getting hurt"

"Well Olly I can talk more than other because I grew up in it my Adoptive parents and my father are all wrestler and they have been for a very long time.It's hard not to get attached to it but it was my decision nit because my parents forced me too.I rally love it and I don't see me doing anything else eather than wrestling,Yeah we put our lifes at risk eveyday but we have been training all our lives and we do what we do with passion.Yeah I stopped for now but because I needed to clear my mind form eveything thst have been happening in my personal lives and also now because of our little one"I said and Jon smiled

"Well I agree perfectly on what she said.I can't imagen not wrestling anymore.This is what I always wanted to do and I do it with lots of passion.I put my body out their every week and getting hurt and I don't regeret it at all because that's what i signed for and if it wasn't that I wouldn't have meet my soul mate"Jon said looking at me and he kissed my forhead

"I can see you are both happy together"Olly said and we smiled"One last question we heard about about the robbery that almost caused you to loose your life how are you feeling now"

"Yeah I am doing so much better and healing good. I couldn't let them hurt the two most people important in my life so I was happy to secrifice myself for them and I don't regeret it at all because we have created soemthing beautiful together and building our future and I don't regret it at all.Yeah I may seem like I am a street dog or a mess but when it comes to something that I love I will take care of it so much and in this case Emily and the little one"Jon said and that brought me to tears 

"Well I wish you all the best of luck in your future, your carrer and with your new born on the way"Olly said than we walked to our seats

"Did you mean that"I said

"Every single word"Jon said and I kisses him

"No I can't wait for your performance princess"Jon said and I laughed


"That was an amazing performance Emily"Gerald said and he hugged him

"Yeah as always.I hope that in the future we can collaborate again"I said

"Of course I would love too"Gerald said"And by the way congratulation on your pregnancy.I am so happy to see you happy"

"Thanks Gerald."I said and we hugged one last time before we went to our separate ways

After the show me and Jon decided to go home since I am pregnant and Jon is still injured so that we could rest but we had so much fun and I was happy because Jon was with me and what he said about us really got me smiling unconditionally

"I love you and never forget that "Jon said and he kissed me

"I love you too my lunatic"I said kissing him back and with that we slept

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