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Emily POV

"Of course I forgive you"and as I looked up I saw Jon opening his eyes slowly

"Nurse"I yelled and pressed the button rapidly

"You're awake"I said as more tires where coming out and cupping his face

"Welcome back Mr.Good"As a doctor came inside"How are you feeling"as well had our hands together

"Sore"He said trying to move slowly l

"That's normal you were shot and that is going to take sometime to heal"The doctor said"You were very lucky you know but you are a tough guy"

"Yeah he is"I said as I was rubbing his hand slowly"But is he going to be OK"

"Yeah it's a good sign that he woke up but we are going to do some quick test and if everything will be OK in 2 days you can go home"The doctor said

"Thanks God"I said and kissed Jon's hand

"But now that you are awake Jon tell her to go home maybe she listen to you"The doctor said

"I don't understand"Jon said looking at me confused.

"She haven't moved an inch from you for 2 whole weeks and she needs to rest"The doctor said and Jon looked at me

"Nothing you will say will change my mind.I am not moving from here understand"I said before letting Jon say something else

"You are your stubornness.That's one for the things I love about you"He said as he grabbed my hand

"This will only take half an hour and he is all yours"The doctor said and I nodded and went out and called everyone and told them everything and they said that they will come after Raw finishes

30 minutes later

"You can go in Ms.Levesque"The doctor said and I nodded

"Is he ok.Meaning are the results good"I said

"We have to wait but I am pretty sure they will be"She said and I nodded and went near Jon but stayed near the door

"Are you going to make me get you"Jon said"Come here"and I went and set on the chair near him

"You really meant what you said"Jon said

"I meant everything Jon.I am so sorry for what I did.But you know me know my stubbornness gets the best of me"I said and he chuckled a bit

"Always have"He said and I laughed

"So that means that I am forgiven"I said

"It depends"He said

"On?"I asked

"Do I get to spoil my child"Jon said and I laughed

"As much as you want"I said

"And will he or she be a wrestler like her or his beautiful mother and lunatic father"Jon said

"If she or he wants"I said as I hold my belly with a smile

"And will the mother gives the father a kiss"Jon said and I chucked and kissed his lips"I missed that so much"

"Not as much as I missed you"I said

"So that means that we are back together"Jon asked

"I guess"I said

"You have no idea how much I love you my princess"Jon said and I smiled

"I know.Eveyone been telling me how much you changed, Jon is nothing without you these days, Jon needs to be in your life and much more"I said and He smiled

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