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I went to my room and I fell on bed looking at the ceiling crying

Why am I crying for I have no idea but I am crying and that's when I decided to call dad.After all Joe was right.They may have lied to me but they always showed me love

"Emily"Dad said with a shocked voice

"Dad I need your help please can you come to my room"I told her with tears in my eyes

"What happened are you ok"Dad said

"Just come please"I told her

"OK baby I am coming"Dad said and we hung up

In less than 1 minutes there was a knock and as I open I saw Jon

"Jon"I said with puffy red eyes but my eyes went on his bloody hands"What happened to your hands"

"I just punched a tree nothing big....What happened to you"Jon said

"Nothing"I said and he raised a his eyebrow

"Can I come in"Jon asked but I was hesitating"Please I need to talk to you"

"Can we talk later I am waiting for my dad right now"I told him

"Forget it"Jon said and left angry

"Jon"I said but he was gone

I was about to slam the door when dad appeared

"Emily"He said but I didn't let him say anything I instantly hugged him and he hugged me back harder

"I am sorry dad.I am really sorry please forgive me"I told him

"Let's go inside what do you say"Dad said and we went to my bed

"Dad I know maybe you aren't my real dad but you have been their for me all my life.I was always so closed to you not that to mum I wasn't but I always was daddy's little girl and I will always be."I told him crying

"Loving you isn't going to change Emily.I have treat you like a really daughter and I will always do that.I should apologies too.I haven't been the ideal father lately but I took it bad that you was going to get married. You are too young for that.Although you aren't mine by blood you are still my baby girl "Dad said

"Why didn't you tell me this?"I said shocked

"Because I got too scared, you were too happy with him and you know that I didn't like him that much"Dad said crying

"It's ok dad don't cry"I told him whipping his tear

"I am sorry I never wanted you to know but mum was feeling to guilty hearing you calling us mum and dad while we aren't your real once."Dad said

"Please stop it could you"I told .

"I love you Emily please don't cut us away from your life"Dad begged

"I won't I promise"I told him hugging him

"Mum is going to be so happy.She was so scared that she was going to loose you"Dad said

"Dad"I said

"Yes"He said

"I don't want to continue wrestling at least for now.Many things happened and I want to clear my mind"I told him

"What happened Emily I know you.You always tell me everything and you know you still can"Dad said and I sight

"I have been receiving these anonymous letters"I said getting up and gave them to dad

"You have a secret admirer"Dad said happy"What is the problem"

"I don't know.I never had one and when I told Nikki she freaked out"Dad said

"I think I know who he is"Dad said with a smile

"Really tell me"I told 

"Have you told grandpa Vince that you want to leave"Dad said.

"Don't change the subject and no I haven't"I told him

"You should call him or visit him he is coming today"Dad said.

"Dad"I whined and he laughed

"I am going to tell mum and she will be sprinting here"Dad said

"OK"I said in a sad tone hoping it will work

"Not this time cupcake"Dad said

"Dang"I said and and dad kissed my cheek and left

Then I called grandpa to see if he arrived to tell me

"Are you sure"Grandpa told me

"I want to clear my mind and take time off but I will be back eventually"I told him

"As you saw dear but I want you to come back with a new everything and you decide whether you want to be a heel or face.I know that Batrix Nuri was a faze and you weren't that bad"Grandpa said

"Thank you grandpa"I told him hugging him

"I am going to miss you being around me"grandpa said and I smiled

"Me too"I told him

"When did you decide to leave Em"Grandpa said

"In two weeks before the dancing competition"I told him

"I hope you'll win with Ambrose because..."Grandpa said but I stopped him

"I know I don't even know why he volunteered"I said and grandpa laughed

"Well I have to ask you hope you don't get mad"Grandpa said and I raised an eyebrow

"OK"I said

"Is their anything going on with you and Good"Grandpa said

"No"I said

"No"Grandpa said with a smirk

"I don't know"I confessed for the first time

"Do you like him"Grandpa said

"I really don't know"I said

"But I know"Grandpa said"I can see it in your eyes that you like him but because of Dawin you aren't letting it"

"But he is a bad boy and I am-"I said but he stopped him

"Lately you aren't better than him"Grandpa said and I sight

"Why do you always do that.I hate that"I told him while kissing his cheek and he laughed"I am going thanks for the talk"

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