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Emily POV

"Sorry if I am asking but why are you in hospital"Jon asked

"I have a very serious eating disorder."I said 

"Really?"Jon said shocked

"I have Pernicious anemia it is caused because I needs vitamin B12 since I only eat salads and don't get scared if I faint"I said"Because I am on blood and food drip"I said

"That's bad you know"Jon told me and I looked down

"I know"I said low

"I always see you eat salads but I didn't know why"he said

"That's another problem I have.I am obsessed that I look fat,ugly and helpless."I said.

"No you are not you are perfect." Jon said with a smile and I smiled back

"Thank you.In fact I promised mum that today I am going to eat something else than salad because I want to get out of here"I said

"Ok let's make a deal I am going to by you McDonalds meaning a big mac, large fries and a large Coca cola and you have to eat them"Jon said

"Please Jon don't make me."I said

"I am not going to make you I am forcing you."He told her and I sight

"Fine"I said

"Be back in a few OK."he said and I nodded

Back To Hospital

Me and Jon started eating and I was enjoying it so much.

"This is so freaking good."I said as continue eating while Jon laughed

"You see what you have been missing"Jon said and I laughed and took a sip of my soda

"I know"I said."So what are you eating?"

"Double Mac."He said"It have 3 slices of bread with 3 pieces of burgers, salad and cheese.

"It looks delicious"I said

"Here take a bit"Jon told me and I looked at him"I'm serious"

"OK"I said and took a bit

"What do you think"He asked

"Oh my God"I said

The there was a knock

"Come in."I said"This is so so good" and in came Colby, Joe, Saraya,Nikki A and Brie

"Told ya"Jon said laughing

"Jon"They yelled

"Hi"He said

"Where the hell have you been"Colby said and he looked at me

"We have been calling you for 3 hours"Joe said.Then Jon looked at his phone

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