The Bachelorette

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Chapter 1-

Sometimes crazy things happen to you when you least expect it, and of course, something like this could only happen to someone like me, am I right? I'm y/n, a 22 year old college student from Ilsan, and this, this is my story.

Growing up I was always that smart kid that enjoyed discovering new things and new people, I was a really open minded individual, but others around me? Not so much. The only person that I actually felt may have understood me just a little would have been my sister, Yeji. Yeji was a little older than me, 3 years to be exact, and about two years ago she met this guy that swept her off of her feet, within a year they were engaged and in two days they'll be husband and wife, a beautiful love story, if you're into that stuff I guess. This however, is not a love story. This is a story of circumstance, so welcome to my world I guess.

Tonight I was packing my suitcase as Yeji had always dreamed of having her bachelorette party in none other than the city of secrets, also referred to as Las Vegas. Her and her four bridesmaids, and of course her maid of honour (me duh) would be jetting off in less than four hours for a night of a lifetime, and I couldn't wait.

I put on my comfy cute airport outfit and dragged my black suitcase all the way down my stairs and patiently waited for Yeji to come in the hired minibus with all the other bridesmaids to come and collect me. A few minutes later they pull up and I jump in, about 30 minutes later we get to the airport, check-in and board the plane, my sister had bought us first class tickets because lord knows I couldn't afford them. They offered us complimentary champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and we finally had time to relax and talk to one another for the first time in forever. Because the flight was so long I ended up sleeping for most of the journey to prepare myself for the crazy night that all the hens had planned.

Once we landed we rushed to get a taxi and get to our hotel so we could get changed and do our makeup for the night ahead. Our hotel was pretty basic, it wasn't the fanciest nor was it the worst we could have got, but let's just say it was no Caesars Palace. I ended up curling my hair at the ends and putting on some pretty heavy makeup and a natural lip, then I slipped on a hot pink bodycon dress that was a little too small for me, meaning it made my waist looked smaller than it actually was which I wasn't mad about, but it also made it a little uncomfortable for me, the things we do for beauty huh? I popped on my heels and Yeji wrapped a feather boa around my neck as we rushed out the door, ready for whatever the night ahead would bring us..

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