A Train to 5th

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6 days have gone bye, since I've moved to the big apple. Astrid and I are becoming closer and closer. Today is the day I'm most nervous about. My first job interview. In 18 years I've never worked a day in my life. Astrid knocked on my door this early Wednesday morning. 

"Good morning! Today is your big day! Any outfits laid out?" She gleamingly says. 

"Uh yeah on the floor over there." I tell her. She walks over to the pile and pulls out the jean shorts and blue Ralph Lauren tank top. 

"Is this what you're wearing? To a job interview?"

"Astrid yes. It's me and they need to see the real me."

"Okay well that's nice, but seriously you have to play the game. Wear nice clothes. Talk fancy. The whole thing."

She walks over to the stacked boxes and opens the fancy occasion category. She pulls out an adorable black dress. 

"This is good. You just need heels and a nice purse. It'll be good." She says. 

"Thanks Astrid. But, it's kind of annoying you came in here this early its 6:45 am."

"The interview is at 9:00. You have to be ready anyways just making sure."

"Look I'll call one of our drivers that lives nearby I'll be there by 9:05 anyways."

"You can't do that you need to be there at 8:40 to sign in and make sure you're early."

"Astrid I'm literally just trying to be a makeup consultant for the Sephora on 5th its not a big deal."

"It still is any job is. Trust me on this." So I did. I showered wore the outfit selected by Astrid and was ready. 

"Okay. I guess I'm all set. I'll call the driver and they'll be here soon." I tell her. 

"Look you can't do that. You want to be independent, but yet you rely on your parents drivers and credit cards." Astrid tries to explain. 

"Maybe you're right. So what do I do?" 

"Downstairs and buy a 5 dollar metro pass. Take the A train up to fifth. Its the same street my art fair was on the other day. I can come with you if you want- I don't have school right now and I'll just go to Pita for a nice breakfast, but if you need me I will be there."

"No you're right. I want to do this and I have to start doing it on my own. I'm going to get straight on that B train and get where I'm going!" I say running out the door. 

"Wait no its the A train!" I hear her yell as I leave the apartment building. I make my way downstairs to the main lobby and then I'm out in the hot NYC streets. 

You can do this Paris. Just straight to the subway station, buy a metro card, and get on the A train. 


I walk back upstairs out of the ground to the main streets again. I look around. Just like she said. A train brought me right here to 5th. And just in time. It's 8:45 which gives me plenty of time for a coffee. So, I do what any logical person does I go into the coffee shop next door to the Sephora. 

"OMG ITS PARIS SCOTTSDALE!" a girl screams as soon as I walk in. Then a swarm of people surround me begging for photos. 

"Hi guys we're going to have to make this quick. I have a job interview next door and I just wanted a venti latte before I make it there. 

"ARE YOU MODELING THERE!" Another girl asks. 

"No I'm just searching for a job." I tell them trying to avoid all of their questions. I don't even wait for my order- a worker just breaks into the hive of people and tells me its on the house. 

"Oh no of course not. Here- $50. Just keep it and enjoy it." I tell her with a smile. Then I realize- it 9:00 am on the dot. 

"I have to go. Right now. Sorry!" I say leaving as fast as possible swinging the Sephora doors open. 

"Hi is this where I sign in for my job interview." I ask to the girl behind the counter who thoroughly looks annoyed. 

"I'll sign you in," she tells me going back to her typing. 

"I didn't tell you my name-" she interrupts saying she knows who I am. Of course she does. 

"Paris Scottsdale?" A woman asks.

"Here!" I say popping up from the chair. 

"I see you were 1 minute late."

"Oh yeah sorry about that I just figured whats a minute."

"Well look, its not a big deal, but it is to me. Take a seat." She says as she closes the office doors behind her. 

"So, tell me why this job?"

"I really love makeup. If you don't know I have my Youtube channel where I used to do tutorials about it. My channels ParisScottsdale101."

"Okay well thats not important nor does it qualify you for a job here. I'm not sure if you understand, but I'm Zara- a corporate manager here- all of our upstairs floor are dedicated to our managers, our sales teams, and our design teams. The position you are trying for is just a consultant downstairs in the actual store. So you just tell customers about skin types and products that may work well with their complexion. Its simple, but youtube is not the way to learn."

"Yeah I understand. But, I do know so much about makeup. I promise."

"A promise doesn't get you the job. I just need a commitment full time from you to be here. Hours would be 10:30-4:30 Mondays-Fridays. Is that going to work for you?"

"Yes YES yes definitely."

"Okay well your resume is small, but honest. Everyone starts somewhere. Congratulations Paris. Welcome to the team. You'll need to start tomorrow and be on time!"

"I will not let you down!"

Yes I've done good. I made it. My first job!

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