Not a Broadway Show

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I've been sitting in my room for a half hour or so in silence. Not even on my phone. Another man brought my things up to the apartment and Astrid trying to help set them in my small place. She didn't say anything just smiled and shut the door behind her. I can't believe how bad all of this is. I feel out of place already, I know I'm going to have to get a job, and I'm also going to have to talk to Giana to get out of her unhealthy relationship. For now though, I need something to eat. 

I open the creaky door and step immediately into the living room where Astrid is sketching. 

"Hey!" She says with her huge smile aiming at me. 

"Hi. I just was wondering if you want to go out and explore the city a little bit, since I've not really been here that much." I ask her. 

"Oh my gosh yes obviously yes I would LOVE to help!"

She jumps up from her art and grabs her purse. 

"Alright. Are you ready?" She asks me. 

"I think so." We walk down the street forever until we finally get to a small restaurant. She tells me its called Pita and its a family owned bread shop. I have no idea what a bread shop is, but she says its the best in town. 

"Astrid so good to see you! Would you like the regular?" An older lady behind a counter asks. 

"You know it. Oh, and Mrs. Garcia this is Paris. She's my new roommate" Astrid explains. 

"Well its good to meet you Astrid. Welcome to Pita. Its a small bread shop. Its hard to compete with the chains, but we do okay. We have fresh soups, salads, and homemade breads of all sorts to offer. Here's a menu to help you decide."

"So, its like Panera?" I ask the lady. 

"Oh no. Much better!" Astrid tells me. 

"Okay well I guess I'll go with the Chefs salad and a slice of the blueberry loaf. Oh and a lemonade," I respond placing my order. 

The food was amazing. Much better than any Panera I've been too. 

"So I'm thinking next we go to the theatre district." Astrid tells me.

"Are we seeing a Broadway show?" I excitedly explain. 

"Um no. I can't really fund that. But, I did go see a show a while back. It was really cool I recommend New York theatre. We're just going to see it, because its awesome."

After walking up and down the busy heated streets, and being stopped to take photos with people multiple times I was over it. I was so tired. Astrid agreed that the heat was rough, so we came back to the apartment where we sat on the couch and began learning about one another. 

"So why did you move here?" She asks me. "Wasn't being famous and buying anything you wanted fantastic?"

"No. It was. I just felt that I'm the most useless. All the girls in my family that have graduated are making it places while I just made makeup tutorials on youtube. I guess it was just my time to make something of myself on my own." 

"You know thats pretty cool. I always visited my grandparents here in the city, so thats why I came here when I graduated high school. Which was a good choice. I mean at 23 I've graduated college, met the boyfriend I've dated for 5 years. I have a job teaching the first graders I adore."

"That's pretty cool too Astrid." We talked for hours, ate cereal for dinner, and called it a night, since she has an art fair tomorrow. I went to sleep thinking that today was great. But, I ate cereal and was in bed at 9:45 pm. I decided to call Giana to ask about her shoot. But, she told me she didn't go. She'd fallen down the steps that morning. She blamed it on the fact she had gotten drunk on Sunday night after I went to bed with Josh, and came home and fell down. Its odd however. Because Giana never drinks. Especially before she's supposed to have a gig...

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