Sparkling Lavender Water

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It's 8 am. I was just informed a hot shower was waiting on me. I'm all ready. Makeup, clothes, fresh hair. I look around my room and smile. Goodbye rich life I say walking downstairs flipping off my house. 

"Honey I'm not sure if this is right!" My mom cries at me. 

"Mom its fine I won't mess my life up, but I have to be something."

"Be a model! Or an actress! Work for you father become a self made billionaire!"

"No thanks." I say with an upset tone as I walked outside to the car awaiting me. 

"Good morning Miss Paris I believe another car is coming to claim all of your items," a man says opening the door for me. 

I got on my flight a few hours later. It was our private jet, but not the fancy one. I open my phone to see all kinds of calls and texts. The contacts sending the messages were my siblings. I can't help, but to feel sort of guilty. I did just up and leave them. Although they never cared about me when I was around, so what difference does it make?

Finally the flight lands after hours of ignoring my phone, updating my twitter, and drinking sparkling water- the lavender kind only. 

"Welcome to the greatest city in the world Miss Scottsdale," the pilot says walking into my cabin. 

"Thank you. I'm not certain where to go. We only come here when visiting fans or opening stores in the city. I'm looking for a Westerburg Avenue- on 21st street," I tell him. 

"Of course. I'll be sure to find you a ride there."

"Thank you. Here- sorry I only have 5 Ben Franklins in my purse at the time. But here's a 500 dollar tip." The older man smiles a huge smile and hugs me before I exit. 

"Thank you Miss Paris! My wife and I will greatly appreciate this tip! And good luck out there!"

I cross to a car located straight ahead from the small jet, and I hop inside telling him where I'd like to go. 

"Westbrug Ave. 21st street here you are. Your things will arrive soon I'm sure."

I look at the tall apartment building excited for whats waiting inside. I walk inside- a little more run down that expected. 

"Hi um is this where the penthouses are?" I ask a young boy behind the counter who looks completely annoyed at life. 

"Does this look like penthouses to ya?" He responds. 

"Well no thats why I'm asking."

"Hey are you the Scottsdale girl? Not the hot model, but maybe the makeup girl?"

"Everyone in my families hot not just Giana. Just whatever I'll figure it out." I say as I take the steps up to the 7th floor. I finally get there. Before I knock on door  9B I take a deep breathe. 

This is it. Your new life and new best friend is waiting behind this door. 

I knock and immediately the door opens.

"Hi!!!! Are you Paris?" A tall lanky blonde asks me. 

"I'm guessing you're Astrid?"

"You bet! Come on in!" She tells me as I step into the small room where the kitchen, dining room, and living room mush together. I immediately notice all of the painting on the walls and the paint everywhere.

"This is it?" I ask her. 

"Yep this is the place. My last roomie moved out, because she moved back to Mississippi after deciding city life wasn't her thing. But its mine! I love it here. City life is awesome. How's Gia is she good? I know she was struggling with her whole boyfriend situation, but I hope she's better now."

"Boyfriend situation? Giana's never mentioned that. What are you talking about?" I ask her. 

"Um... oh no. Im so sorry I didn't mean to make this uncomfortable."

"Its fine, but whats going on?"

"Apparently Josh has been trying to get her to marry him, so she can endorse his band even more and it turned into a really bad relationship. I'm not 100% sure I just thought you guys knew I hardly see her and she told me."

Josh was Giana's skeezy boyfriend since high school. He left her on prom night senior year with another girl, but yet whenever he begs her for forgiveness she gives it to him. He also runs a band since he never went to college and they're not the best. I know he wants her money with her being a model and all, but I didn't know any of this. I have to go home. I have to talk to her. 3 and a half minutes and this New York dream is already a bust...

Not Your Average American Rich GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ