Chapter 5

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Here is chapter 5! I finally finished it! Sorry it's a bit shorter than usual but school really hit me hard there... Anyway! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

It's been a week now since the exam. Izuku and Uraraka had been keeping in touch since then. Most of the time they would hang out in the city and Izuku would show her around. Since she only got an apartment here to get into UA, she doesn't know the city very well. Izuku would then guide her in the city to show her the best place to eat or where to buy things cheap. BUT more importantly the best mocha-shops in the city. During that time around they would talk to each other to get to know to other one better (well only for Uraraka) and Izuku would sometime need to reassure her that she had aced the exam, winning himself a bones crushing hugs in the process which he would never get used to,... Or would he?

It was now the day he should receive the letter of UA and he was eating with his mother. And was having a discussion he would have preferred to avoid. He was receiving 'the talk'...

"MOM! It's not like that I told you!"

"We still need to have this talk. It's for your's and Uraraka's sake!"

"We're not together mom!"

"Doesn't looks like it with the numerous times she hugs you... She hugged you 24 times during last week, that's pretty impressive you know~"

"H-h-h-how do you even know that?!" Izuku's face was now entirely red.

"A mother finds out everything Izuku... everything!"

Izuku was about to argue but then the doorbell rang. As Inko opens the doors, she couldn't help than have a devilish grin on her face.

"Oh Uraraka! Good to see you! What make you come here!"

Izuku literally spits all the water he was drinking as he heard his mother. 'Why now of all time?!'

"Hi! Umm I came here to see Midoriya-kun!"

"Oh alright" She said as she make her space to enter. Her grin growing on her face. "Come in! Izuku is in the kitchen."

Uraraka makes her way to the kitchen and saw Izuku finishing his dish.

"Hey Uraraka-san! What make you come here?"

Insteed of answering him she just walked toward him.

"Uraraka-san? Are you alright?"

She just continued to walk towards him and when she was close enough... she hugged him.

"U-u-u-u-u-uraraka-san?!!!" he cried, he could have swear to have heard his mother said '25!' in the background but he put it aside. He had more important things to deal with first.

"I did it Midoriya! I did it!" she said, tightening the hug.

"Ur-r-raraka-san! I-I can't breathe!" As soon as she heard it, she let go a little but was still hugging him.

"Sorry!" she said, giggling a bit. Izuku sighed

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

Uraraka reached her pocked and took something in it.

"Look!" Izuku looks at what she handed him, it was a card, a school card and there was UA written on the top left corner of it.

"You pass! That's amazing Uraraka-san! See! I told you, you'll get in!" He said grinning.

"Yeah you were right! I should have listened to you... Sorry. Anyway have you received your letter yet? Not that it's like you didn't pass tho."

"No need to apologize! You were just stressed that's all. And no I haven't received it yet! I wonder what takes them so long." Right after that, Inko burst out into the kitchen, she was on her knee and was holding a letter.

To save them all  (izuocha)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz