Chapter 14

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As the night wanes, the day extended. Last night was spectacular; I could not leave her body there because if her dead news got into my dad's ears, he would know that I was responsible for everything. Wisely, I lifted her fractured body and placed it into her car's back seat. Her blood felt so warm that I scrubbed it on my face. I'm changing but for the worse. I drove the car at Amanda's place first and joyride both of us into the forest of silence. After chaining Troy again but this time with vines, I fusion into Amanda's body. He did not get consciousness the whole night and; I did not want to miss his reaction when he will see his deceased mother in front of him. The worst is not killing her but the fact that she would not be buried will imprison her soul in another realm.

"Umm," Troy signed before opening his eyes slowly. After a few blinks, his mouth felt wide open and yelled " mom".

"What did you do to my mother" He screamed at me and struggled to free himself.

"Oh! relax, I will show you everything from the beginning," I said and showed the recorded video.

He watched with horror the whole scene. It's strange how people love to hurt other people but, when it comes to their dear one they become so emotional. He did worse than that with me and did not show any regret, he made a dad lost his daughter so,  becoming an orphan is karma for him.

"You killed my mother! She did nothing to you. I'm your culprit not her," he pushed a cry of despair.

" I did nothing to you too but, what did you do to me. Stop pretending to be a victim when you are a bloody murderer," I yelled back.

" Please kill me. Please" he cried his heart out.

" Kill you! Oh no Troy, you will have to suffer more before your death comes; you will see the decomposition of your mother's body and witness the death of all your friends. Then maybe I will kill you." I mocked and wept off his tears. " Stop crying now, tonight your best friend will join you. Yes, your mother delayed my plan, but that's okay. Better be late than never right." I proceeded.

"Stop it! I beg you," He implored

"We will continue this conversation tonight, for now, I have another important thing to do," I saluted him before exiting the forest.

"Lisa! Yesterday you scared me, you are becoming a beast. If you have the intention to hurt Malia, you either give up on this idea or I will tell your father everything. Mrs Peterson was a monster but you are becoming worse than her. Malia is innocent, you cannot punish her for her father's deed," Amanda's scolded 

"You will never deceive me I know you. Now shut up or I will block you," I warned

"Lisa please don't do that," she begged

"Fine I will not kill her but, I have another mission for her" I sighed

"What mission," she asked

"Peeked into my brain, you will see," I said

" Enough now Lisa! I will stop you, you are becoming a monster, that girl she is innocent. I will confess everything to your dad." She sounded so sincere

" Don't you dare becoming an obstacle for me else, the consequences will not be good," I said before ignoring her rebellious answer.

The route would have been easier if I could drove the car of Mrs Elizabeth but, this also implied raising suspicion against me, therefore, the only choice left was to left the car inside of the forest and to make the route by foot. For a ghost, it does not matter as tiredness and fatigues do not form part of our characteristics but, for the human body walking extra miles could cause foot fungus. Amanda's foot will really get damage and I did not care at all, she just turned against me so, why should I care about her?.

I did not take a pause, I kept on walking for 3 hours before reaching in front of the monumental university. Finding the university was an easy task but, finding someone that you don't even know her face was an arduous task even for a ghost. I stepped inside the campus; a grassy area of 25 acres, enclosed by fences with 20 gates, benches everywhere. The area was overcrowded, finding Malia will be like searching for a needle in the dark. Next to me were a group of students; sitting on the grass and talking. Maybe they can know who is Malia, I approached them and questioned them about my target but nobody knew her. I kept on asking every person on my path but, nobody knew her. When miraculously, I felt on a long golden hair girl, she was not black but dark chestnut brown with light brown eyes, high arch pale eyebrows, her face strongly taper toward her chin. She was perfect.

" Hi, Do you know a girl called Malia Steward," I asked without a single hint about who I was addressing to.

"Hi, I guess you fell on the right person, I am Malia Steward. How can I help you?" she smiled warmly at me.

Tracking her was not that difficult after all. How can my action be wrong when even God is facilitating my moves. She was the opposite of her father, so beautiful, so kind, maybe she inherited it from her mother. The way Mrs Peterson was behaving in the police station, it was as if she and officer Steward knew each other for years so, maybe Malia Knew Troy too.

"Actually, I came here because of Troy" I gazed at her for any reaction, If she did not know him my plan would be exposed.

"Oh, that bastard!" She uttered. Great, she knew him.

"Yes, I need to talk about him," I said

"I'm sorry but, I do not want to hear his name" she was angry, very angry. Troy must have done something to her.

"Actually I'm his ex-girlfriend. I wanted some information about him" I made a desperate voice which of course I was acting.

" He dated me too for three whole years, we were madly in love. I was the one who broke up with him because he was a womanizer" she said

She was a victim just like me but, the only difference was that Troy loved her. Why did he loved her and not me? without realizing I was vexed and pummelled furiously my fists. My mind kept on repeating to kill her but, this foolish moves might destroy my whole plan. I needed to become her friend, I need to get her trust to be able to use her in the future. The fact that she was the love of Troy, he would be so mad and worried for her that blackmailing him would become easier.

"Maybe we should meet somewhere and share our story. I'm so heartbroken and, needs help. I have no friends at all, someone told me about you so, I thought that you and I can be friends" I lied

" Yes, I'm sorry if I was rude to you" she consoled me

"That's okay. Can we meet on Monday next week? I asked

" Yeah or, we can just go take a coffee right now" she suggested

"No, I have worked, Monday will be more than perfect for me," I said

" Okay, I will be alone too next Monday, my father will be at work so, come to my place instead at 8 p.m. BLK 21 AVENUE ROAD," she said with a huge smile

"I will be there for sure" I grinned

I did not know which word to use to describe this girl; foolishness or kind-hearted. She wanted to help and she will help me but, not the way she is thinking. I got other plans for her. Tonight Troy will not only see the death of his friends but, he will get another shock. He would know that Malia is also under my control. Malia will be my last pawn in my mastermind plan.

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