xvi. She's A Disappointment

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xvi. She's A Disappointment

THEA FEELS LIKE she's floating on a cloud as she strides after the Gryffindor Quidditch team between Seamus and Dean, bellowing the new rendition of the Slytherins' song that she likes very much.

"Weasley can save anything, he never leaves a single ring, that's why Gryffindors all sing, Weasley is our king!"

As they finally reach the common room and the red and gold clad crowd finally let Ron down, Thea lurches forwards and pulls him into a hug.

"You did it, Ron!" she exclaims, beaming widely. "Well done!"

"Thanks, T!" he grins back, his eyes glowing.

The next day is warm and bright. Thea stares longingly out of the window of the Gryffindor tower, surrounded by colourful knowledge organisers, piles of cue cards and thousands of notes, all carefully sectioned off by subject. Over the past month, she has finally submerged herself in the pains of revision, hoping to get the grades that allow her to fulfil the words starting to become clear on the back of her hand.

I must not disappoint.

Sunday in the Gryffindor common room sees frantic fifth and seventh years in chaos, some crying, some buried in books and notes, and other waving wands and stamping their feet in frustration.

"Thea, aren't you going to do any work?"

Thea looks up to see Hermione eyeing her disdainfully, rather annoyed to have been interrupted during her second reading of Othello.

"I've done it all already. You're more than welcome to use my notes if you're struggling," she drawls irritably, earning herself the deadliest glare she's ever seen.

"I'm quite alright, thank you very much," Hermione says coldly.

Thea notices Harry and Ron watching the exchange cautiously, before quickly returning to what they were doing.

She rolls her eyes, taking out the wad of Charms flash cards and beginning to read through them as a reminder and to keep Hermione's nagging to a minimum.

Over the next few days, Thea finds herself avoiding Hermione even more than usual. The girl is particularly stressed during exam season, which surprises no one, but Thea is sure it would only result in a dreadful row should she go near her. For some reason, she really doesn't want to fall out completely with Hermione.

"Did you see what they did to McGonagall? Sneaking up on Hagrid at night was unbelievably sly as well, did you see?" Dean says incredulously the morning after their Astronomy practical.

Thea looks up from drawing a timeline about the Giant Wars, rolling her eyes.

"Yes Dean, I was there," she huffs.

"Why are you so moody?" he almost snaps.

"Because..." Thea sighs. "What if I fail?"

"You won't fail, tiger." Dean looks at her encouragingly. "You've been working really hard."

She smiles back at him and nods. "You too."

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