xiii. Light Breaks Through

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xiii. Light Breaks Through

SATURDAY MORNING DRAWS in quicker than Thea expects. The week and her lessons had flown by; that's the positive of getting homework every lesson and having extra revision sessions after classes. She gets so busy, that the week evaporates before she knows it and is replaced by the weekend.

She's awake early. Since it's getting closer to the start of March, the sun filters more strongly through the thin curtains hanging over the windows of their dorm and had woken her up.

Quickly, she takes a shower, brushes her teeth and takes a seat on the armchair by the window in the common room, so her hair dries quicker and the warmth from the rising sun falls onto her face. The clock on the wall tells her that it's half past seven. She takes a seat in her usual armchair in front of the fire, and finds Zelda is lay in front of the fireplace. She smiles a little.

The day's copy of the Daily Prophet is on the coffee table in front of her. Thea glances at it, to see it boasting the headline, 'FRUSTRATION AT THE MINISTRY AS THE MINISTER FOR MAGIC TRIES TO TALK DUMBLEDORE DOWN FROM HIS MISSION TO SPREAD LIES – Lyra Cindercroft reports.'

Thea throws it into the fire without a second thought. She sighs loudly, and Zelda, at her feet, decides this is the moment to curl up in her lap. Thea can't stop the smile, even as she watches the ends of the newspaper curl and burn into ashes. Absentmindedly, she strokes the top of her cat's head, and she's about to reach for her Charms textbook she brought with her to read through the last lesson's notes, when footsteps coming from the staircase leading to the dormitories startles her and she looks over.

Daisy, clad in Quidditch robes and with her broom over her shoulder, comes into view. The two girls look at each other for a moment, before Thea says, "Morning, Daisy."

"You OK, T?" Daisy looks a little awkward, even though they made 'peace' or whatever, weeks ago. They still haven't spoken properly, Thea supposes. "You know – after fainting."

"Yeah, I'm OK."

Daisy nods a little curtly, and makes her way towards the door. Thea, before she properly thinks, speaks again.

"I'm sorry. About our argument. I – I understand what you're saying, and I know it's scary. About You-Know-Who."

"I thought we agreed not to mention him?" Daisy mutters, picking at a loose splinter on her broomstick handle.

"Well, yes, but I wanted to give some context for my apology. Again. I'm sorry."

Daisy looks at Thea, her face softening. Thea smiles at her a little, which Daisy only slightly returns, with a nod too, before she makes her way out of the common room.

Thea sighs loudly.

It's not even eight 'o' clock yet, and she's already had enough of today's shit.

That evening, Thea finds herself sat before the fire in the Gryffindor common room again, which is flickering wildly under her gaze, whilst the flames in her chest are blazing hard under her ribs. Romeo and Juliet lies open on the arm of the chair, but she stopped reading at least an hour ago. Her concentration, like always, had slipped, and here she is now, sitting and staring at nothing, hoping for answers to materialise in the hearth. She tries to force herself to come to some sort of conclusion as to why it hurts so much, but nothing comes to her.

She sits back with a sigh, letting out a yelp of surprise when she spots Seamus and Dean staring at her a little distance away.

"What?" she says sharply, turning back around as Seamus walks over to her and sits down in front of her.

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