Part One ⟶ The Curse

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The only positive for Thea Cindercroft right now is that her life can't really get much worse. Is that a positive? Maybe she's just being dramatic.

No matter how much she tells her mother that the worst wizard to ever exist is back to take over the world and that she should be panicking a lot, she can't seem to talk her around. She's not really sure how much longer she can watch her mother write another article for the Daily Prophet about how stupid Harry Potter is and that Dumbledore is crackers. She's becoming more and more tempted to run away and live alone in a hidden-away mountain.

Luckily for Thea (she supposes), it's time to go back to school to start her fifth year at Hogwarts. So at least she can somewhat ignore that problem for a little bit, as seeing the odd copy of her mother's writing and getting a nasty look from Harry or one of his friends will be... well, she'll probably be able to cope with that.

Speaking of Harry Potter. Well, Thea expects him to hate her guts...her mother is dragging his name through the dirt at every possible opportunity and leading the cause to do so (she thinks her mother's new job title is 'Rumour Crisis Manager' or something. It's at least as ridiculous as that, anyway).

And as Thea starts to realise that he doesn't hate her guts, she feels herself start to care a little more about Harry Potter. There's just the slight issue of her Hell Heart curse.

teresa oman thea cindercroft

teresa oman thea cindercroft

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Disclaimer; of course I don't own Harry Potter or the series, these all belong to JK Rowling and other rightful owners.  I only own Thea and a few other characters, along with their plot lines.

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