Chapter 10 - 5 words

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"What'd you talk about?" Elli pushes, her own curiosity killing her. It's so unlike Parker that she wants to know what got him talking.

The girl can't help but smirk, a chuckle leaving her red stained lips. Elli's brows furrow as she watches her expression, like she knows something Elli doesn't. "You'd have to ask him."

Elli shakes her head with a huff. "You're gonna leave me hanging like that? At least tell me what gives you the impression that there's someone or something?"

"It's the way he talks and maybe you should talk to him because I assumed you were his roommate's girlfriend because of the picture on his dresser. You, him, and another guy."

"Yeah, uh, an old friend took it for us but what about it?"

"Because the both of them are looking at you and they give you that look." She sighs and reached for the door handle. "But, it's none of my business, just an observation from a picture and body language."

Elli feels her cheeks tint red as she looks back to her computer screen. "You're my favorite one-night stand of his."

The girl tilts her head back and laughs. "You're my favorite roommate I've met." She opens the door, smile still etched across her face. "Thanks again."

"No problem." Elli returns the smile before the girl who remains nameless leaves, the door shutting quietly and leaving Elli alone in the kitchen for the next few minutes.

Normally, she doesn't talk to Parker's one-night stands. They don't usually run into each other just like Parker doesn't usually run into hers. But, when she does run into them, it's just usually just an awkward eye contact moment before they slip out of the front door. It's rarely anything more but this girl, it's different. She woke Elli up and is the reason Parker is going to wake up and ask about the date with Collyn, completely oblivious to Elli's tired state and everything that unfolded the night prior. But, she's really different because one-night stands are just that, one-night and Parker is always respectful from Elli's understanding but there's not usually a lot of talking from what he's said. Something about her made Parker want to talk and there's the point that she had to mention the way Parker looks at her.

It's Elli's job to look at pictures, look at people's face and how they look at their surroundings and other people. It's what she does, every single day. Of course, she knows the way Parker looks at her in certain pictures because it's her job but just because she knows doesn't mean she wants to coherently admit it to herself and it doesn't mean she wants other people pointing it out because denial is easy.

The next few minutes pass, Elli logged back into her laptop but staring blankly at the screen, half focused on everything Parker's one-night stand had to say and half focused on how Elli is gonna tell Parker about her date. It's not gonna be a fun morning but that's why she fell asleep at the table in the first place. She couldn't sleep and the kitchen and living room are further away from Parker's room so she wouldn't disturb him and the stranger with any possible sobs and this way, she would be right here to talk to him whenever he got up. Or maybe not even talk but just see him.

The door to Parker's room creeks open, Elli hearing him yawn as his footsteps travel down the hallway towards her. She looks to the left and sees him walking in, grey sweatpants and no shirt, the usual attire for him.

"Mornin'." He says, voice rugged and still drenched in sleep.

"Morning." Elli says, turning back to her laptop and making herself look like she was actually being productive.

"Up early." Parker mutters, walking to the coffee pot.

"Yeah." Elli answer shortly.

Parker pauses, looking over his shoulder. Elli's eyes are on her laptop screen, brows furrowed and mouth in a straight line. Her eyes are slightly puffy and she looks exhausted, hair tied back in a messy bun. One of her old Art Institute hoodies wrapped around her shoulders, remanence of faded black eyeliner on her cheeks as if she missed it washing her face the night before.

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