You're My Best Friend, Part One

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"You're the first one
When things turn out bad"

You slammed the door behind you, very probably waking up your neighbours, but you couldn't find it in you to care, as you wiped your nose on your sleeve. Throwing your bag on the chipped wooden kitchen table, you sunk into the chair, resting your head in your hands.
Why had you even expected it to go right? You had a habit for picking the shittiest men on the planet to date, and Alec wasn't a exception. You thought you could change him, but your aching heart was testament against that fact.
"Aze?" Roger's voice was sleepy, and you were glad your back was to him, as you hurriedly wiped your tears away, fixing the mascara trails ,as you turned around, a half-hearted smile on your face.
"Hey, Rog." He was wearing just sweatpants, and you couldn't help but wonder how he wasn't freezing to death, in the freezing apartment, although it was August. There was a anxious look on his face, like he felt that something was wrong.
"Why are you up so late?" He yawned, walking into the kitchen, and flicking on the kettle.
"Just out with Alec."
You saw his shoulders tense in the dim light. He had always hated all your boyfriends, and Alec wasn't an exception. Far from it.
You were glad it was dark, so he could barely see you - see your swollen eyes
Well, that was until he switched on the light, turned round to talk.
"Do you want a cup of- what's wrong?"
The tea was forgotten, as your lip began to tremble, and he crossed the room, gripped your hands.
"What's he done?" His voice was instantly protective, thumb rubbing circles on your cold hands, calming you down. Roger had never liked Alec, hated him to be precise. He said he 'got a bad vibe'. Of course, he was right.
"He cheated on me. Three times, that he told me about."
"That little fucker, I swear to God, I'm going to go bash his head in." His voice was furious, and he stood up, and you knew that if he didn't calm down, he would very easily carry through with his threat.
You stood up too, grabbing one of his hands. "No, Rog, calm down."
"He thinks... He thinks he can get away with hurting you?" He turned away, knowing how much you hated seeing him angry.
"I know Rog." You said quietly, sniffing slightly.
He turned back round, seeing you start to cry, and immediately wrapped his arms tightly around you, his heart beat constant in your ear. It calmed you down.
"Sh, it's okay, it's okay." He soothed, resting his head on yours.

Roger Taylor, drummer, horrendous cook, and most importantly, your best friend.  You had know him for over twenty years at this point, first meeting on the first day of nursery, when he drew on your forehead with crayon, and you burst into tears. Despite a slightly rocky start, you developed a close bond, partly because you lived over the street from one another, and partly because you were both so opposite and similar at the same time - you contrasted beautifully, as Freddie always said. You both had a strong sense of ambition and protection of one another , but while he had anger, and a quick temper , you had a calming presence, and as you grew older, it wasn't remiss for him to seek you out to calm him down, he resting a hand on your hip, or loosely linked hands with you - platonically, of course.
Roger had always been there for you, and that was still true, even now, years later, in 1973. After university, when he began the band, and you began your job, you moved in with each other, and had been flat mates ever since, as well as best friends. Which meant that he was always there for your freak outs, and you for his.

"You'll be okay, Aze." He said gently, thumb wiping away your tears, blue eyes staring intently into yours, those eyes that always made you feel... well, home.
"I really thought he was the one." You laughed, bitterly. "It's been eight months, he told me he loved me a million times and he couldn't only shag one person?"
Rogers forehead was creased. "You don't need him. You've got other people, you've got your family. You've got me."
You buried your head into his chest again, not wanting to cry in front of him. It always hurt him when you cried, and that made you feel even worse.
"People our age are settling down, Rog, having kids. When's that gonna happen for me?"
"It will happen." He stroked your hair, and to anyone else, it would seem that your actions together would have been more than platonic, but that was the way you and Roger had always been, always touching each other - hands, hair, faces, chaste kisses on lips and cheeks. You were just so close and so comfortable that it was just how you were.
"Will it?" You sighed into his chest.
"You know it will. Just because Alec was a arse doesn't mean it won't with someone else."
"You know he turned it round on me, when I found out, when I found whatever girl he'd been shacking up withs bra? He said he knew it would never work because I lived with you, and I was just a slut for doing so." Your voice was bitter, and disgusted at the boys words.
You felt Roger tense. "I hate him. What the hell?! How's that make you a slut?"
"Because apparently I was with you and him at the same time." You laughed again in the same tone. "What a joke, as if I'd ever be with my best friend."
Yes, that was true. Not for the reason you insinuated. Because you didn't want to ruin your friendship.
He didn't see your face flicker for a second, as you briefly imagined what would be the outcome if you told him the only thing you'd never told him. That you were pretty sure you were in love with him.
And you didn't see his face flicker in the same way either.

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