Chapter 10 POV Kayde & Cam

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Beep, beep, beep.

"He will be fine Alpha Kayde." A voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Thank you, doctor," I said quietly, I had been here for weeks, the beeping from the machine, Camron's slow breathing every now and then dad, or one of the other pack members would stop in to see him or me. I had claimed war against Silent Sparrows. Zach and Lea joined, much against my liking but I'm sure Cam would be happy. They were training with Jay. Tessa never left the door outside, she had figured that I had just forgotten about her being by the door, but I hadn't.

"Tessa you can't stay here forever, please come back with me" I heard Jay plead from behind the door.

"No Jay, even if I can't go in, I won't leave, I can't." Tessa sighed, I griped Cam's hand, his limp hand.

"Fine..." Jay sighed, I heard him walking away.

It was quite all except for the beeping of the machine.

Beep beep beep

I rested my head onto Cam's bedside, dozing off.

I woke a faint beeping noise. I felt a hand around mine. My finger clamped around the hand my eyes still closed

"Cam?!" A voice said sleepily but happily.

"Mmm" I hummed in acknowledgement

I felt a heavy pressure on my body and 2 strong arms wrapped around me i felt my wolf stir in me realizing that I felt this before. My arms wrapped around the body before they could move away.

                                                                 POV Cam

"Cam... you got to let go of me..." Kayde struggled but my wolf didn't want to, I still did as I was told. Before Kade got off me he nuzzled my neck but stopped halfway through and got up.

I let out a small whimper as Kayde's warmth left.

I opened my eyes gently my head turned to Kayde, my eyes meeting his hazle ones. my wolf stirred again as I quickly looked away.

"what is wrong?" He asked though I could tell he was rejecting what we both felt. Just then Lea and Tessa poked there heads in.

"CAMMY" They yelled, pushing Kayed away and hugging me.

"Hey guys," I choughed. I was still weak and I had no clue how long I was out for.

I felt a light smack against my face "What were you thinking of, going there by yourself!" Tessa said her blue eyes pooled into mine.

Kayed cleared his throat, Tessa and Lea lowered their heads as Kayed raised his eyebrows, "You should have nocked" he spoke between his teeth.

"Right erm sorry, we were just happy to see him up...." Lea and Tessa said

"Whatever" Kayed shook his head heading out of my room

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