Chapter 1 POV: Cam

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"Cam wake up, we got stuff to do before school!" Kayde said banging on my door.

"No!" I whined rolling over in my bed, my back turned to him as he entered the room.

"Cam," he growled slightly. Kayde never when alpha on me. But his growl got me to do things.

"No Kayde please" I whined, I seriously wish I didn't have to leave my bed.

"Now Camron!" He growled again.

"FINE!" I shouted jumping out of my warm bed.

"Good, " Kayde said.

"Why couldn't you have Jay do it?" I muttered, getting dressed while glaring at him.

"Because Jay is with Tessa," Kayde said, "And because I miss hanging out with you, and because it involves Silent Sparrows."

"No," I said my head snapping towards him, "Absolutely not. Nothing they want gives them a right to contact us."

"Cam-" Kayde started.

"No," I said firmly.

"CAMRON!" Kayde's dad bellowed as he walked by, "You are to listen to what your Alpha has to say, it may interest you." He said as he glared at me.

"Fine" I muttered wishing I could just sleep.

"I'm sorry, but they had an interesting offer in there deal... I couldn't refuse it," Kayde started after we got in his office.

"W-what was it?" I ask I could feel my air pipe closing and braking on me.

"They offered 30% of their land if we helped them with rogues. Every other pack refused to help them, and 30% of there land is big enough for 80 more members!" Kayde said with a beaming smile

I couldn't stand to let him down, I smiled slightly at this knowing there was a catch "what's the catch," I asked looking out the window.

"We would be allies, and they're coming over today to give more information. They need more information on what we can offer them in return besides help with rouges. We have now roughly around 900 wolves, it's only 2 less than them, if we do end up helping them they are always welcome on our land. Just as we are there's. So many of the wolves that haven't found there mate have an opportunity to do so." he finished I could feel his gaze starting into me.

My eyes dropped as my nose twitched sniffing the air. My back stiffened and a growl rippled through my chest. I could tell Kayde flinched. "I... I have to go," I said turning to leave.

Kayed shook his head stepping in front of me. "No... please stay Cam, I should have told you sooner and I'm sorry that I didn't."
"Move" I growled slightly looking at him, my emerald eyes were darker and swirling with anger. I saw him shake his head so I pushed him out of my way.

"I'm..." he started, I shook my head and took off in a sprint. I opened the dor shifting as soon as it was closed.

I started to run, I only stopped when I heard a laugh that made me fur stand in edge no, turn back run hide, turn back I could hear my wolf beginning with me. Zen was here and he was the only person besides Greg (aka Kayde's dad) that made my wolf whimpered. I fought with it to stay.

"Oh look at what we have here," Zen said looking at my wolf

'Hello Zen' I said somehow still being able to mind link him

"Glad to know Shadow Moon has announced our arrival and sent a greeting party," He sneered.

I growled slight 'Only the Alpha and I know you are here. I'm the Beta, and I'm most certainly not a greeting party for you.'

"Oh, my apologies," Zen said a quick flash in his eyes told me to be on edge.

"Cam!" A voice said behind me panting. My head flicked up to see Tessa, people always thought we were related because of the resemblance and I could trust her more then I could Kayde(who mind you is my best friend). Only siblings had that kind of bond. Marked mates had the same bond, but Tessa was marked and she still told me stuff before she told Jay.

My wolf smiled at her and nudged her hand gently. She patted my head but when she looked up to see Zen I could sense her wolf at the surface.

"What are you doing here" her wolf growled.

"I'm here to talk to your Alpha," Zen said seeming to get irritated with the disrespect, but he held no rank in our pack, and if he did it would be worse then and omega.

"You have no right to be here, no matter what your case is!" Tessa said as she dug her nails into the fur of my wolf.

"Your alpha gave me permission to be here," He growled annoyed with her attitude.

"Fine, but come nowhere near us" Tessa growled loosening her grip on my fur.

I heard Zen's wolf start purring as Tessa started turning away.

I lost it and lunged at him I don't even know why I attempted to attack him. Of course, he dogged. Ignoring my attack like it never happened, "I will do whatever I want princesse" he purred I could see her freeze, going into shock making me growl at him.

"Zen you are not welcome here if you say things that scare or shock one of my wolves, especially one that has a mate," Kade said, stoping my growl. He knelt down next to me and put a hand on me. "Please don't block me out," he whispered to me.

Fine, I said through the mind link letting him feel my anger and pain. I looked away as the pain in his eyes began to show, I felt him wince against my wolf.

"That's touching," Zen said, "can we get to business now Kayde?"

"do we have a deal?" Kayde said as I sat by him, Tessa had run off, to Jay probably.

"Yes, I shall not touch a single wolf that is mated in your pack, or harm, or anything along those lines," Zen said rolling his eyes.

"Cam shift and change meet us in the office ok?" Kayde said looking at me.

I whimpered and pawed his leg, for some reason I didn't want to leave him alone with Zen.

"It's ok, dad will be there too," he said as he walked with Zen behind him.

I let out a small growl but padded back to the pack house.

"Hey..." Jay said as my wolf entered through the open back door I growled cutting him off. I was in no mood to talk to anyone, I shifted once my wolf broke the door to my room.

"Grate another door to fix" I muttered, as I tossed on a sweater, shoes and pants.

"I wanted to say thank you," Jay's head came around the corner peeping through the smashed door.

"No problem, sorry that I growled at you, Zen being here has set us both off." I said as I gave him a high five.

"Ya, I get it," Jay said as we walked down the hall and out the door.

"I'm need in the office, take care of Tessa would ya," I said doing a salute wave as I walked away.

"I always have, haven't I," Jay said he waved back the turned back inside.

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