Chapter Twenty-Four

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“Do you have a new perfume?” Logan asked, turning to face me again.

“No…” I trailed off, confused as to what he was doing.

“Right… Something you bought must smell really good then…”

I didn’t say anything in reply and let the conversation fall as he kept looking around the car park as if he was looking for someone or something. He really is strange. I followed him as he walked to the end of the car park and saw his car that he had driven me home in previously. I stopped him as he went to put my bags in the boot of the car.

“I can get the bus home…”

“No, no! Such a princess should not travel on public transport!” He gasped and overacted as if he was in a theatre show.

“I bought a return ticket anyway.” I told him, hoping he would stop making a fuss and acting as if I was such an important person.

“No! I will look after you for Ethan and you will get home safely in my car.”


“Stop being so stubborn and hand me your bags.”

I just shook my head and gave him the bags I was carrying before pulling open the passenger door and sitting in his car, waiting as he shut the boot and joined me.

“Are you going to the hospital or do you want to drop off your bags first?” He asked as he turned the keys in the ignition, letting the engine come to life.

“I’ll drop off the bags first, if that’s alright with you.”

“Of course M’lady,” he bowed his head, causing me to laugh. What a dork. He started driving, pulling out of the car park as he sang along to the radio.

Once we reached my house I hopped out of the car and opened the boot, picking up as many bags as I could. I opened the front door and rushed into the kitchen, putting the bags down before exiting the room. I bumped into Logan and froze – why is he inside? I pushed him into the kitchen and hoped that he didn’t see the living room that was still filled with empty beer bottles, cigarette butts and empty packets of what were probably drugs that my father had left everywhere after his ‘friends’ decided to visit.

“Woah!” he yelled as I forced him into the kitchen. I started pulling things out of the plastic bags and putting them in multiple cupboards and the fridge, ignoring the confused and concerned look on Logan’s face.

When we were done I exited the room first and shut the door to the lounge before Logan could see inside. However, when I was shutting the door he joined me and gave me a confused look as to why I was closing it. Luckily he did not ask any questions and left it alone, taking my hand and pulling me towards the car.

Five minutes later and we had arrived at the hospital. We exited the car and walked into the building in silence; there was nothing to say as inside we were both worried about Ethan, just hoping that he would wake up soon.


No sound was being made in the hospital room other than the steady beeping of the heart monitor that Ethan was attached to – the only thing showing us that Ethan was still alive. Avia, David and Seb had gone home as they had an important meeting to attend to; I told them that I would phone them if anything happened with Ethan. I was unsure why Seb had to leave his brother too as he is only seventeen, almost eighteen, and would not have an important role in their family business yet – Maybe he did, though, I did not know. Logan stayed to keep me company and he said he wanted to be here if Ethan did wake up – that was his reasoning but I believe that he didn’t have anything better to do.

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