CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Dalisay the Diwata

Start from the beginning

Ian knelt beside her and held her hand. "I know this is too much for you to understand. I am still the same Ian, your friend. Soon enough your memories will come back and you will understand everything. I will guide and protect you until the deity resurface within you."

"Why did she choose now to show? Why not with my mother or with my mother's mother? Why now with me?"

"Because now is her time."

She remained quiet for a while, still confused about everything. These days, anything was possible. Vampires roamed the land freely. Mutated vampire-like monsters attacked her. Her friend even transformed in front of her. So was there still any room left to doubt? Although, she still could not grasp most of what Ian said. She raised her eyes to Ian and gave a small smile. "Ian, your ears are pointy."

Ian smiled at her and wiggled his ears. "So it is." He wore his beanie to hide the top of his ears, stood and extended his hand towards Lira. "Let's go. We don't want to be late for class."

She nodded and accepted Ian's hand.

Later that evening, she took her dinner with Yumi and Mari in the mess hall. Ian was also with them, and Lira couldn't help it but glanced at Ian from time to time, expecting he might remove his glamour and reveal his true self. Yumi was quiet all throughout the meal, and whenever she met Lira's gaze, she would start apologizing all over again.

Inside the rec room, when the girls decided to give it a visit, Lira observed a sudden change in the atmosphere. After Yumi's party, the students from different castes seemed to be getting along well. When at first they would only stay with their own caste, they were now chatting with students from other Order. They spend their time in the rec room more than they did in the elegant sitting room in the opposite wing where Lavinia and her cronies stayed.

Some vampire girls visited the rec room and joined their human friends as well. Lira prayed that the vampire girls were genuine with their offer of friendship to their human friends—unlike Nicholas' malicious intentions. If any vampire girls did have other intentions, Lira would be the one to put a stop to it—once she figures out how to.

And speaking of the devil, Nicholas strutted his way to the rec room, gracing the tittering girls with his sultry smile. Lira wasn't in the mood to face Nicholas. He might demand for the payment tonight; she was not sure. But she remained seated and waited for him to make the demand.

"A word with you Lira," Nicholas ordered when he reached her.

Lira glared at him and stood. "Yes, Your Highness?" she grated.

Nicholas raised his brows, looking annoyed by her insolent tone. "Follow me," he said and took long strides going out of the rec room.

Oh, now he wanted her to follow him like a puppy. Great. Lira gave a reassuring look to her friends who looked curious and worried as well. She went out of the rec room to find Nicholas in the hallway, leaning his back on the wall. She stood in front of him and crossed her arms. "What is it you wanted to talk about, Your Majesty?"

"You're testing me Lira. My patience has its bounds," he threatened.

"What do you want? I'm a busy person. If you need my blood now then by all means, take it now and end my misery," Lira burst, spreading her arms to her sides.

Nicholas clenched his jaw. "I will not require your blood for now Lira. I will inform you once I need it. I just wanted to recount your stupidity and recklessness this morning."

"I know; I get it okay? I'm stupid. I can't think straight if faced with troubles. I make stupid decisions that resulted to stupid mistakes and ending up with a stupid, stupid situation I have no way of getting out."

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