Chapter 14 - Battle Of The Axes

Start from the beginning

He was quickly cut off by Alexson's scream from downstairs.

"Far out! They have the worst timing," I say getting up, grabbing my crutches and walking downstairs followed by Hunter.

"Ooh you have Ravioli!!!" Ali yells, searching the fridge. To be honest, I didn't really mind.

"You can have it."

"Noo!!! I want it!" Hunter says running to Ali and grabbing the container from her.

"It's mine! She said I could have it!"

"But I want it!"

"Well she said I could have it!"

They glare at each other for a few seconds before simultaneously shouting my name and turning to me.

"Don't bring me into this," I say holding my hands up. "Wait actually no, give it to me and I'll decide."

Hunter brings it over and I take it from him before going over to Alex who was sat on a stool watching everything unfold.

"It's Alex's."

"WHAT?" Hunter and Ali shout.

"Yay!" Alex eagerly takes it from my hand and opens the container lid. They quickly run over to him and start begging.

"C'mon Alex, I'm your girlfriend!"

"Bros before hoes, dude."

"Did you just call me a hoe?" Ali asks getting up from the floor.

"Well that's what you are."

Oh no.

"HUNTER!" Ali yells jumping on him and wrapping her hands around his neck.


I laugh hysterically not bothering to stop the situation in front of me. This had happened many times before and in the end Hunter had always come out unbruised...except for that one time when he was rushed to hospital because Ali had choked him a little too hard but that was a story for another time.

"Ali stop!" Alex yells pulling Ali off of Hunter.

"He called me a hoe!"

"I'll beat him to death later okay?"

"Oooh wow I'm so scared."

Alex takes a threatening step towards Hunter and Hunter screeches before running towards me and hiding behind me.

"Save me," Hunter hisses in my ear.

"You guys are such kids, I'm the youngest here yet I'm the most mature."

"That is so not true, I'm the most mature," Alex corrects.

"Nooooooo, I'm more mature than anyone here," I argue back.

"Say the one who broke her leg falling off a swing!" Ali shouts pulling her arms away from Alex.

"Whatever guys, this conversation is going nowhere," see? I'm the most mature because I'm not going to argue about a useless topic.

They all go to sit on the couch in front of the TV me joining them. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Alex gets up and stands in front of the three of us.

"I wanna know why you're dating Jacob and I wanna know now."

"It's called hitting rock bottom," I say absentmindedly picking at my nails.

"Oh baby, if you wanted to, you could've just dated me," Hunter winks at me from the other side of the couch.

Ali, who is seated in between us makes a face of pure disgust, "no, that's called hitting rock bottom," she says pointing at Hunter.

I laugh as Hunter throws a pillow at Ali.

"Guys! Why do we always go off topic after two minutes, you guys have the attention span of little kids, this is why I'm the most mature," Alex says rolling his eyes.

"Are you serious? I'm the most mature! Remember that time when I ha-" Ali says before being cut off by Hunter.

"Yes. We remember that time. You always repeat the same story."

"Well I'm gonna repeat the same story again because it's damn right amazing."

"If you guys really wanna know who's the most mature, we might as well have a battle," I say jokingly.

They all share a mischievous smile before pulling out some type of Kung Fu move or something.

"Tomorrow, 4pm, here, Battle of the axes, bring your be-" Ali is cut off once again by Hunter.

"Battle of the axes? Why's it called Battle of the axes?"

"Because Battle of the axes sounds cool idiot."

"Axes have nothing to do with being mature."

"You're a poor excuse of a human being therefore your argument is invalid."

"Guys! We've gone off topic again!" Alex claps to get our attention.

"Nobody cares about the stupid topic, gosh Alex, shut up," Ali says as I snicker quietly to myself. "Battle of the axes, tomorrow, 4pm, here, bring your best costume an-" Ali is cut off once again, this time by me.

"Doesn't wearing costumes make us less mature?" I point out.

"Harry Styles wore a Miley Cyrus outfit slash costume for Halloween and he's still as mature as ever....ok maybe he's not that mature but the point is he's hot and this is not making my argument any better so I should shut up."

"Ya think?"

"I'm going to say this one last time - I just made an Ariana Grande reference - anybody who interrupts me will get their head chopped off and eaten by Daniel. 4pm. Tomorrow. Here. Bring a costume. Bring your best arguments. Bring food. For me."

I have such interesting friends.


Sooooo, hi.

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