sixty four

282 14 3

< taeyong & joy >


um hey tae


are u tryna hit up on myenim?

well, i do have feelings for her
but i get that its impossible?

i get tht u hv feelings for her but i wish you cld tone it down a lil?
as in,, dont show too much of ur feelings....
its kinda getting in btween those lovebirds?

oh did they fight??

no but i rly dw anyth to happen again
esp when rim is a fragile one

hm yeah i get it
i honestly dont like that jungkook guy

why not?

i just feel like he plays with rim too much?? like he doesnt take the rs srsly & jst plays ard??

hun u dont get their rs
their rs is just full of fun
they love being this way
this is how they bond?

hm i guess
am i suppose to stop liking her?

no it isnt necessary but
just dont get in btween them
& i can tell jungkook doesnt like u commenting abt yerim everywhr

heh i guess??
thx for telling me :/

ure welcome??? :D
no bad intentions yaa

yeah i get it
i wont let her go

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