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So...today I have to the grocery store. You just have to clean or something in the house. And it's one rule here. DON'T ENTER IN THE LAST ROOM! You got it? His attitude changed really fast.

I was about to ask him why I can't but I was a little bit scared so I just nodded, making to smile.

Ok... See you at 3 p.m. With that he went outside.

I looked to the window, seeing him driving away. Mu heart started to beat really fast, thinking about what he said before. I decided to clean the house so I started what I wanted to do.


I told you to not fight in this company! And how the fuck did The Black Cat escaped?!

Mister I-....

I gave you a chance and you fucked IT up!

I-... He cut Jimin again.


LET ME SPEAK FOR GOD SAKE! Jimin raised his voice making him to stay silent.

Ok... SPEAK! He sat down in his chair looking at Jimin serios.

Jimin told him what happend and he started laughing.

A fucking girl win against you?! You such an idiot. He laughed again.

Jimin was about to say something bad but he tried to shut up. He bite his pink lip angrily and sat down as well.

So you have a plan how to find her? Or you can quic-... Jimin cut him off.

I will not do this! And excuse I have something to do! He said walking to the door.

Don't you dare to leave like this young man! The boss raised his voice.

Jimin didn't cared at all, leaving him speachless.


Ah finally! Alex sighed in relief.

She cleaned everything but in her mind was Jin's words: "Don't open the room! Don't open it".

So like everyone idea was to open the room, and she was about to do. Alex walked upstairs and search for the room.
Everytime she was doing a step to the holeway, her heart was beating really fast, she didn't knew why but that was happening.

She finally find it and tried to open it. It was locked so she tried every key to see If one will unlock the door.
When Alex finally found it and grabbed it to open the door. She put her hand on the door's larch but...

What are you doing here?!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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