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It's night now and everyone is sleeping but not Jimin. I have to be really careful to escape and to not make it obvious.
I have a a knife, a screwdriver, extra clothes and some money that I have stole. Before the exit door, there are also my  previously things. The only thing I have to do it's to take the cell's keys... and Jimin have them.
So I have to take them in the easy way or hard way.

Yah! I need to go to the other toilet, I feel sick. I faked my voice like I was about to trow up.

You have a toilet already! He looked at me beyond the metal bars.

Eww come here and see the dirty thing that's here!!!! I tried also to whisper because I didn't want to wake up the girls.

He rolled his eyes unlocking the door and enter were I was.
A big smirk appeared on my face.

There's nothing dirty h-... He was about to finish but I punched him really hard in the head making him to fell on the ground, unconscious.

With that I took the keys and ran really fast to toke my things and go away from this shit.
The corridor was really long but I found my things really quick and when I was about to press the exit doorknob I heard yells in the distance.

Come here you little brat! Press the alarm guys! One of the cops yelled also running in my direction.

I didn't think twice so I ran as fast as I could. The alarm was really noisy, making I think everyone to wake up, haha.


It's been hours of my escape and the sun is appearing now.
I found a small and elegant house and I'm thinking on going there for shelter. Before I knocked at the door I went in the backyard to change my prison clothes with my extra clothes that I took with me. I put blue tight, a yellow T-shirt, my black leather jacket and I didn't have extra shoes so I let the shitty ones on. I made my hair in a hight pony tail and go to the front door.
Then I knocked at the door and wait for someone to respond at it. Some seconds later a tall, slim and handsome man opened it.

Um..Hello, can I help you miss? The man asked confused.

Yes, um.. I'm new here and I need a job. Are you willing or need help with something? I asked in a manner mode making the man to smile.

Yes I'm thinking of hiring a nanny. The man added.

Oh I love kids! I jumped a little making again the man to chuckle.

Come in to talk about then. He said making me to node and to enter in.

           Wow so beautiful here!

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