"Damn Darius! Why show up now?" Darien went into his closet after he flung the remote on his bed.

"Who's Darius?" I asked as Darien as he was getting dressed.

"A friend I have had since college. He is a reporter who I give the first crack at interviewing me. He never had the sense to call first." Darien stuck his head out of his closet door way. "Can you push 7-8-4 on the key pad. That will disarm the system." I smiled as I walked over to the key pad and did as he instructed. There was a squeal sound again as the metal moved away. "Its supposed to be a silent system, though I should not be surprised you have sensative hearing."

I laughed a light laugh. "Your right, I do."

"Stay here while I go save my friend." He stroked my cheek and I leaned down to kiss him. I was much taller than him with these shoe/boots on. He liked that I wanted a kiss. He kissed me for a second, then was gone. I picked up the remote off the bed and flipped through the video channels to watch Darien save his friend Darius.

I watched as Darien crossed his arms across his chest playfully for his friend. The cops asked something and Darien waved his hand in front of him. He must be telling them that Darius was okay and to let him go. I laughed when Darius ran over and embraced Darien. Darien patted his friend's back a few times and then guided him back to the suite.

They walked inside and I heard their playful banter which made me smile. Darius' banter turned a bit serious after Darien had closed the door. "Man, did you hear that Angel Kat has gone missing from the hospital when you left? They have no explanation." A reporter to the core. The moment the opportunity presented itself, he was asking and informing.

"I already knew she was not in the hospital any longer." I switched channels and saw Darius was facing away from the entrance to the bedroom. I turned off the TV and tossed the remote onto the bed just like Darien had done. I walked silently and gracefully out of the bedroom and stood right behind Darius.

Darien smiled widely as he saw where I was. I placed a finger over my mouth to tell him not to say a word. Darius just continued to talked. "What do you mean you knew? From all reports, you have not talked to anyone since you left her hospital room. How could you have known?"

I leaned closer to him not breathing. I was close to his ear now. "Because I am right here." I stepped back as I saw the movement of his muscles. Darius turned around and the moment he comprehended he was seeing me, he dropped to his knees.

Darius was scruffy looking for a reporter. His hair was a messy sandy blonde in the wrong way. Like he slept on it and never bothered to wash it or comb it at all. His chin had a ton of stubble like he cannot decide weither to grew a beard or not. He looked like he needed to eat more often too from how thin he was. He wore a dirty T-shirt with a rough looking brown leather jacket. Man! He has bad and tacty tastes in clothes. His hazel eyes were wide as he stared at me.

"You're...you're..." He could not think looking at me. This was the first time he seen me in person. Well, he could have been among other reporters who flocked to me, but this must be the first time he was ever been face to face with me.

"Angel Kat. Yes, yes. You are actually seeing me in Darien's suite."

"But how? No one saw you leave. No one has seen you fly through the city!"

"Well...A lot of people saw me leave and did not realize it." Darius' eyes grew larger as his head tilted to the side. He could not comprehend how I could leave and everyone see me without anyone realizing it. I looked up at Darien. "Can he be trusted?"

Darien shrugged. "Only if you want to show him, he has kept one of my secrets for years without telling a soul." I raised an eyebrow to him. He laughed and walked over to me. He grabbed my wrist and took me into his bedroom. He positioned me in front of his TV and opened a panel on the wall next to the TV. Inside was shelves of Star Trek and other science fiction movies along with the actual show series. I smiled and laughed lightly at the collection. "I know it is goofy to like these things when you're me, but I cannot help what I like."

"I love it. You have all my favorites, and I few I have wanted to see."

"I am glad I'm not the only dork in here. Well, I could never call you a dork. Your too beautiful."

"Oh call me a dork, please."

A huge laugh came from the other side of the divider. Darius must have found that funny. I think I will show him after all. I stepped so I was behind the divider and closed my eyes. I pulled the light into my heart again. It took less time to pull it in than in the hospital now that I was better. I opened my eyes when I was done and mouthed 'bring him in here' to Darien.

Darien was looking at me and smiling. He stared at me while he spoke to his friend. "Hey Darius... You want to know how she was able to walk right out of the hospital and not be noticed? Then come in here for a minute."

I heard Darius shuffle around the corner before I saw him. I was laughing when he glanced around, nodded to me nonchalantly, and then looked puzzled at Darien for a second. His body stiffened when realization dawned on him. He turned his gaze back onto me with wide eyes. I placed my hands together like I was praying, closed my eyes again, then let the light loose again. I just hunched over for a second when the wings came out again. There was pain, but it now was manageable.

I opened my eyes and Darius did not look like he was breathing. He was in total shock. Then he eyes rolled back and I had to run over to him and catch him. He passed out. I lifted him up and moved him to Darien's bed.

"I think me changing back was too much for him."

"Did you feel any pain? It looked painless now." Darien graced my arm.

"There was still pain, but I was able to manage it unlike any other time before. I think I should thank you for that."

"Why?" I smiled as I stepped to him, kissed him, and lightly grabbed his butt. I stopped when I heard Darius stir. "Really, it was that that helped you." Darien whispered into my ear. I nodded smiling more.

"What the hell... That was the strangest dream ever." I looked over at Darius. His eyes were still closed as he sat up in Darien's bed. I looked at Darien who was lightly chuckling to himself. Suddenly I am being pulled to the bed. Darius was making me sit on his lap as he hugged me to his body. "Hey baby want another go before I have to go to work?" His hands slid up my side and he cupped my breasts. Darien paled and started to reach for his friend's hands. I gestured to him to hold on. I moved one of my wings to tickle his side. When he brushed that one away, I did the other side. "Do you have a bird in here?"

"Not unless you count me!" I said it in a very playful way. My singsong voice giving it another tone to it. Annoyance and commanding.

I think that made him wake all the way up. He jerk his hands off me. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." Darien gave me a hand off Darius' lap. Darius had to cross his legs to hide the ...um erection... that had formed because he had touched me that way. He swallowed hard. "It wasn't a dream, was it?" I shook my head at him. "What a hell of a secret." I shrugged. "No wonder no one could find you." He laid back against the bed with a thwap, and uncrossed his legs now that he was 'relaxed'.

I turned to Darien. "I am going to go get something to drink. You want anything?"

He smiled. "Orange juice would be nice, thank you." I graced the side of his cheek as I left from in front of him. I got to the divider and touched the floating wall just to hesitate near him for a moment, but I did not have to hesitate.

There was a click of the TV turning on and then the piercing sound hit me hard. But it did not hurt like before. I went to my knees and hung my head to the pain. My eyes closed tightly as I tried to imagine the sound was no longer touching me, hurting me. It was just instinct that I was thinking that. I could hear the news coming from the TV.

Angel {Goddess Class Creation: Book One}Where stories live. Discover now