"I didn't expect to see you here," he said after a beat of silence.

"Why?" I asked a little miffed. "A party without me isn't a party at all."

Brandon laughed. "I didn't mean it like that. I asked Stacy if you were coming and she said no."

My heart fluttered at his words. He had asked about me? "Yeah, well she got her facts wrong. I'm here."

Brandon smiled. "I can see that."

I was just about to reply when his gaze shifted onto something behind me. He frowned.

"What's he doing here?" he asked, his voice full of venom.

I turned around to see Cole enter the house.


The first thing I noticed when I entered the house was the excessively loud music blaring and the laughing people who were 'dancing' in the middle of the floor.

A few people were even passed out.

That was one of the reasons I didn't like parties, it was just a bunch of people getting really drunk, doing stupid things and then waking up with a killer hangover the next day.

As soon as Scarlett had stepped out of the car, she was swamped with people, all who were demanding her attention. They didn't pay any attention to me as they crowded around her, gushing about her hair, or makeup or outfit. It just drove my head in; how people could be so superficial.

I didn't even know whose party it was but they seemed well off judging by the expansive property and the crystal chandelier than hung above me.

Before I could even open my mouth, a random girl shoved a red up in my hand and sloshed her own drink over the front of my shirt before mumbling a quick apology and disappearing. Shaking my head, I grabbed a tissue to wipe up the alcohol on my shirt and discarded the drink.

I knew better than to eat or drink at a party as Dad had given me a huge lecture as soon as I had entered high school on the dangers of high school parties and what went on behind the scenes.

It put me off partying. This was the second party I had ever attended, the first being a dare from my cousin in my sophomore year. It had been so scary that I had refused to go to another party until this one.

I looked around hoping to find some quiet corner to sit in. I was about to turn around to look upstairs when someone bumped quiet hard into me, spilling yet another drink onto my poor, alcohol stained, now sour smelling shirt.

I winced. "Watch where you're going," I said.

I heard a growl and then a menacing voice. "What did you just say?"

I turned around to see a furious Brandon glaring at me. I glared back. I didn't have the time to argue with him. It was his fault anyway.

"I said, watch where you're going," I repeated.

Brandon took a step close to me. "I dare you to say it again."

I glared. "Dare accepted. "Watch where you're going."

Brandon growled and cracked his knuckles. "I've had it with you little fucker," he glared "you shouldn't even be here and when you came in, I had half a mind to throw you out but then Scarlett stopped me."

I rolled my eyes. "Good for her then," I said dismissively but internally, I was reeling. Scarlett stood up for me?

"You should be thankful that Scarlett is such a kind hearted, caring person," he spat and I rolled my eyes.

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